The most popular main entree on Thanksgiving day
What is Turkey
This may take place at home or an office or several different venues. It is where participants each bring a different dish for the meal.
What is a Pot-luck meal
The theoretical reason for the first Thanksgiving.
The Pilgrims were celebrating the first harvest and thanking the natives for helping them survive.
This is a national holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year.
What is Thanksgiving?
The bone in a turkey that is supposed to bring good luck.
What is the wishbone?
The most popular dessert during Thanksgiving
What is Pumpkin pie
This parade is televised annually on Thanksgiving day and takes place in New York City.
What is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
This is where the Pilgrims first arrived and disembark.
What is Plymouth Rock
Another name Pilgrims were called.
What are Puritans
The name was given to the fourth Friday in November
What is Black Friday
What is the main ingredient in stuffing?
What is Bread
This game is played on Thanksgiven day on television and sometimes between families and friends. Some high schools play in DC its called Turkey Bowl.
What is Football?
How many days did the first Thanksgiving last?
What is 3 days
Many people enjoy these for several meals after the original Thanksgiving feast.
What are leftovers?
The name of a mature male turkeys
What is a Tom or a Gobbler
This pie uses a vegetable that is naturally sweet has 9 times much sugar per cup as well as 5 times more calories than the most popular dessert in the US during Thanksgiving. They are high in fiber, potassium, vitamins A, \C Calcium and Iron
What is Sweet Potatoe Pie
This Tradition dates back beyond ancient Rome steaming from the belief that birds were oracles and predict the future.
What is Split the Wishbone?
This President made Thanksgiving a holiday to express gratitude for a pivotal victory.
Who was Abraham Lincoln
Who was the first president to "pardon" a turkey?
Who was John F. Kennedy?
This football player played for the New England Patriots then pleyed for The Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He was also on the Mask Singer.
Who is Ron Gronkowski
One of the entrees served at the first Thanksgiving
What is Waterfowl, Venison, duck, goose or Lobster
This tradition has taken place in the Mac(McRae)family, Thanksgiving since the mid-seventies. It involves music dancing or strutting and people lining up on two sides.
What is the Soul Train line up?
This founding father suggested and advocated for the turkey to be our national bird.
Who was Ben Franklin
Why are pumpkins and other vegetables important symbols of Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving celebrates the HARVEST season. The harvest is at the end of autumn when farmers collect the vegetable they have grown.
How many people are believed to attend the first Thanksgiving
What is 140 people?
(50 Pilgrims and 90 original Americans)