Central California
List a one marine animal we covered in previous meetings
Humpback whale
California Sea Lion
What is Factory Farming?
Factory Farming is the process of maximizing animal production with minimum cost by mass feeding houses of animals.
What's one common poisonous plant?
Poison ivy
Poison oak
How do Sea otters stay warm in the ocean?
They have very thick fur.
What are the effects of eutrophication?
Habitat loss
destruction of marine ecosystems
What are some environmental effects of factory farming?
Extensive green house gas emission and air pollution. (NH3, CO2, NO2, CH4)
What plant is this?
Poison Oak
What was the major reason of sea otter population declining. (in the past)
What are some events that causes decrease in biodiversity of a region?
Pollution (oil spill and eutrophication)
Over hunting of a certain species (keystone species)
How many animals are killed from factory farming globally?
More than 100 billion.
What does poison hemlock resemble?
What is the diet of Sea otters
They eat invertebrates. (crabs, urchins, clams)
What are some characteristics of California ground squirrel?
live in communal burrows
high pitch sound
What are some effects to the animals that are factory farmed?
Chickens get their beak clipped
Pigs and cows get tail-docked
Animals are so heavy that they can't move. (feet can't support body)
What causes the poison in poison ivy/poison oak?
Their poison is due to an oil they produce called urushiol. Has a black color.
What are major reasons of declining population of sea otters present day?
Eutrophication, mass oil spills, toxoplasmosis
What are characteristics of Dog Vomit slime mold?
Found on tree bark after heavy raining.
Metal resistance due to pigment
How can we help fight against factory farming?
Eat less meat, dairy, and eggs
Buy higher-welfare food
Look for food certification logos when making purchase
What are symptoms of contact with poisonous plants such as poison ivy and poison oak?
Redness, Itching, redness, swelling