Latin America
Cold War
Southeast Asia
Modern Africa
Modern Middle East
This policy said to keep Europe out of the western hemisphere.
What is Monroe Doctrine
Built in 1914, this important man-made land feature connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. (Made the trip between San Francisco and NYC shorter by 9,000 miles)
What is Panama canal
This man was the leader of Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge. He helped organize a genocide in Cambodia in 1975.
Who is Pol Pot
This act divided South Africa, giving white minorities 87% of all the land.
What is Native Lands Act
This is a 26 foot tall wall that separates Israeli settlements from the living areas of Palestinians. It has many checkpoints.
What is the Separation Barrier
This policy was put into place by FDR. He said that Latin America would have more freedoms and the US would not use military force there.
What is good neighbor policy
This event was a failed US attempt to invade Cuba to overthrow its leader, Fidel castro.
What is Bay of pigs
This supply train for the Vietcong also looped into parts of Cambodia and Laos.
What is the Ho Chi Minh Trail
This organization was formed to fight for the rights and freedom of people in South Africa.
What is African National Congress (ANC)
Mecca is an important place for Muslims why?
It is the home to the great mosque, the world prays towards the Kaaba in Mecca, and Muslims are also expected to make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime. It is one of the two holy cities of Islam, both in Saudi Arabia.
This Mexican artist painted public murals
What is Diego Rivera
This Russian satellite was the first in space in 1957.
What is Sputnik
This is the other name for the Cambodian genocide, when the Khmer Rouge attacked ethnic minorities, made people become farmers and killed people with western influences, like wearing glasses.
What is the Killing Fields
A student protest of the use of the Afrikaans language became violent in this township in South Africa
What is Soweto
The second Persian Gulf war started because...
9/11/2001---> US troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia since 1990 and many Muslims were offended.
This amendment in 1901 meant that the US could occupy Cuba for 5 years and, later maintain huge economic control over the country until the revolution in 1959.
What is Platt amendment
This policy was followed by the USA to stop the spread of communism
What is containment
People who opposed the war in Vietnam were called
This man in Sudan controls a militia, called the janjaweed, that attacks those considered "black." There are many international arrest warrants out for his arrest, as he is considered a war criminal.
Who is Omar al-Bashir
The leader of Iraq, who was accused of having chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) was hanged after the second Persian Gulf War ended.
What is Saddam Hussein
This portuguese actress grew up in brazil and was often criticized for her stereotypical Latina characters.
Who is Carmen Miranda
This event is an example of pushing edge of war (Brinkmanship). Soviet union puts nuclear weapons in Cuba. Kennedy tries to contain Cuba (quarantine) and get the weapons out of Cuba.
What is Cuban missile crisis
1.5 million people fled Vietnam to leave the oppression of Communism. Many took this mode of transportation to leave (they were also named after it)
What is boats (Boat People)
This is the name of the Hutu militia that killed Tutsis during the Rwandan Genocide
What is interahamwe
This war started when Israel preemptively attacked its neighbors, and began an occupation of the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and West Bank.
What is the 6 Day, 1967 war