The percentage of captive Africans that perished during the Middle Passage
What is 15 percent
350 years
The independence and abolition of slavery in Haiti highlighted this in some African Americans
The unfulfilled promises of the American Revolution
The largest forced Migration in American History was called…
The Domestic Slave trade
Name two functions of Negro spirituals
To disseminate information, pass secret messages, to retrieve spiritual strength
The second part of the slave trade journey
What is the Middle Passage
The center of slave trading in the United States
Charleston, South Carolina
Who said, “My decision to destroy the authority of the Blacks in Saint Domingue is not so much based on considerations of commerce or money, as on the need to block for ever the march of the Blacks in the world.“
Napoleon Bonaparte
Partus Sequitur Ventrem defined…
The legal status of a child based on the status of its mother
Name two musical genres that were developed and influenced by enslaved African Americans and their descendants
Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Hip Hop
The fate of Africans who arrived at Ports in the Americas
Resold and transported domestically
The crop that played a significant role in the development of Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Atlantic
One of the largest slave results on U.S. soil, which came as a result of the Haitian Revolution
The Louisiana Slave Revolt
A raced based, inheritable, lifelong condition was a slave code that defined…
Chattel Slavery
Name two terms used by African Americans to identify themselves in the 19th century and beyond
American, Black, Negro, Colored, African American, African
The impact of the Mende captives trial on the cause of abolition
generated public sympathy
What was the result of diverse black communities in the American South?
The distribution patterns of numerous African ethnic groups
Escaped slaves who established free communities
Enslaved agricultural laborers worked in these two types of systems
Gang and task systems
Mr. DP is…
The best AFAM Studies teacher on campus!
The number of Africans forced onto known voyages of slave ships
More than 12.5 million
The outcome of the Haitian Revolution
The establishment of a Black republic free of slavery
This region of the United States dominated the slave-cotton system
The lower South
Aquinas High School is…
The only high school in San Bernardino that offers AP AFAM Studies
The motivating factor of European monarchs to explore West Africa
The search for new trade routes