Today I will take a nap at 3:30pm. Yesterday...
I took a nap at 3:30pm.
He forgot to write ______ name on the test!
He - him - his
He gave him his.
fit / feet
The shoes don't fit my feet.
I remember when I lost a tooth I was happy, but now I am happy that I have all my....
Every year I send a card for her birthday. Last year,...
Oh no, I can't find ____ keys!
I - me - mine
I like pizza. They like me. That phone is mine.
Micky mouse is so famous! Although, I wonder what the other _______ think about his fame.
I buy my groceries on my phone now. 10 years ago,....
I didn't buy them on my phone. I bought them at the supermarket.
They like _______ teacher.
We - us - ours
We enjoy class. The school awarded us a prize. That house is ours.
feel, ill, pill
When I feel ill, I take a pill.
The tan man had a plan, but the other ten _______ did not.
He often rides his bike to school. Naturally, yesterday,...
he rode his bike to school.
Ms. Willett will be in _______ office meeting with some parents. (Don't worry - not yours!)
She - her - hers.
She won the game. Her work earned her a scholarship. The sunglasses are hers.
rich / reach
You will be rich if you reach your goals.
My sister works in childcare because she loves.....
She makes a lot of money at her new job. At her old job,...
she didn't make a lot of money. -OR- she made a lot of money too.
Brazil is in South America. _____ capital city is Brasilia.
They - them - theirs
They worked hard. I respect them. You have yours and they have theirs.
sheep / ship
There were many sheep aboard the giant ship.