Restate The Question
Text Evidence
Who Am I?

Which of the following is a correct Restate for this questions: 

"Why is the dog so happy?

A. I think he's going for a walk.

B. The dog has a bone

C. The dog is feeling happy because he just had dinner.

C. The dog is feeling happy because he just had dinner.


Starr arrives at home at 4:30pm and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5:00pm. Starr also sees that the lights are off in their house. 

What can Starr infer?

Starr can infer that her mom is not home


Brandon went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing. Their team ended up losing. Brandon was so upset. 

Based on the text, WHY was Bob upset?

Brandon was upset because his team lost.


Friday was our last day of school. My class spent the day at the playground and had a picnic. When the final bell rang, I ran out of the building and headed home. My mom had a popsicle waiting for me. 

What can you infer about how I feel?

I feel happy or excited. 


I am a civil rights activist who started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I stood up African- Americans when I refused to give up my seat on a bus.

Who am I?

I am Rosa Parks!


Which of the following is the correct restate for this question: 

"Why is the sky blue?

A. The sky is blue because blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.

B. Blue is a great color.

C. Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.

A. The sky is blue because blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.


Ms. Formoso greeted all of the wonderful students in 212 and everyone was so pleasant. All day the students were learning and following directions. 

From this I can infer that Ms. Formoso probably felt _______________.

Happy, proud, impressed.


Kay's was shaking her leg and biting her nails before the test. She hoped she would get a good grade but she was unsure.

What text evidence shows that Kay was nervous?

Biting her nails, shaking her leg.


Luis's homework was very difficult and he kept messing up. He tripped in the hall and dropped all his books. At the end of the day he forgot to get his backpack.

What can you INFER about how Luis feels?

Luis feels frustrated, annoyed, bothered, upset, angry.


I play music out of my truck in the summer and kids come to buy treats from me.

Who am I?

I am an ice cream person!


Which of the following is the correct restate for this question: 

"What is energy?"

A. The ability to do work.

B. Energy is the ability to do work.

C. Energy helps us every day.

B. Energy is the ability to do work.


Janay couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the next day which was her birthday. Finally her alarm clock rang and she jumped out of bed.

What can you INFER about how Janay feels?

Janay feels excited, nervous, ready.


Kyle looked at the clock all day. When the bell rang Kyle ran all the way home and burst through the door. He knew he was getting a new puppy today and he couldn't wait.

What text evidence shows that Kyle was excited?

Looked at the clock all day, ran all the way home, burst through the door.


Tyler dragged her feet and walked slowly. She did not get much sleep last night and now she had to go to dance practice.

What can you INFER about how Tyler feels?

Tyler feels tired, exhausted.

I reach into my big bag and pull out letters for everyone on the block. Sometimes I leave packages on people's doorsteps.

Who am I?

I am a mail carrier!


Which of the following is the correct restate for this question:

"What is your favorite color?

A. Blue

B. I like green.

C. My favorite color is pink.

C. My favorite color is pink.


Trayvon gets his cleats and puts on his uniform. He grabs his bat and goes out in the yard to practice with his friend. Trayvon and his friend throw the ball back and forth with their mitts.

What can you infer about what sport Trayvon is about to play?



I lost my flip flop in the sand and got a sunburn but it was a great day anyway. My sister and I built a sandcastle and we went boogie boarding.

What text evidence shows that I was at the beach?

flip flop, sand, sunburn, sandcastle, boogie boarding.


Kaydi went downstairs and her mom made pancakes. She got her backpack and went outside to wait for the bust.

What can you INFER about the time of day?

It is morning.


I put a stethoscope up to my patients heart and listen for the heartbeat. I ask them how they are feeling and give them medicine when they are sick.

Who am I?

I am a doctor!


Which of the following is the correct restate for this question:

What does the "F" in FANBOYS stand for?

A. Always

B. The "A" in FANBOYS stands for And.

C. And

B. The "A" in FANBOYS stands for And.


Sam heard a noise and crept down the stairs in the dark. He gulped and turned on the light.

What can you infer about how Sam feels?

Sam feels scared, nervous, anxious.


Jack held his head high. No one was going to ruin his day.

What text evidence shows that Jack was feeling in control or confident?

held his head high.

Carol put on her boots and grabbed her walking stick. She brought her bug spray and made sure she was wearing comfortable clothing.

What can you INFER about what Carol is about to do?

Carol is about to go hiking or camping!


I hear the alarm bell at work and I slide down a pole and put on my gear. I jump into my red truck and speed down the street with my sirens wailing.

Who am I?

I am a fire person!
