Most populated country in the world
What is India?
This person is still considered the tallest president of the United States.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945
When was WWII?
What was Elton John's first top 10 hit, which he sang on The tonight show?
Your Song
Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth?
8 minutes (hints: A:5 mins B:8 mins C:10 mins D:16 mins)
This Country is the biggest in the world
Where is Russia?
He was president during most of WW2.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865
When was the Civil War?
What was the plural of "sheriff," according to Shelley Berman?
What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?
This White Marble Building is from Agra, India and is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
What is the Taj Mahal?
This president attempted to run for president under his own independent "Bull Moose Party" after two successful presidential terms but lost.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
March 12, 1947 - December 25, 1991
When was the Cold War?
What British group introduced the concert gimmick of smashing their instruments?
The Who
What’s the only big cat that doesn’t roar?
The number of countries that make up the United Kingdom.
What is four? (Hints- A:2 B:3 C:4 D:6)
Name all four founding fathers that also served as President.
Who are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison?
November 1, 1955 - April 30, 1975
When was the Vietnam War?
What Flu put North America on its back in 1968?
The Hong kong flu
What is the chemical name for rust?
Iron oxide
The city where Pizza originated.
Where is Naples, Italy?
This president was gifted a dog named Pushnika who had an equally famous Astronaut mother.
Who is John F. Kennedy? Pushnika's mother was Strelka, a Soviet space dog who was one of the first two dogs to orbit Earth and return safely.
April 21, 1898 - December 10, 1898
When was the Spanish - American War?
What president secretly smoked Don Diego Cuban cigars?
Richard Nixon
What is the tallest type of grass?