Reinforcement Plan
Skill Building/Program Objectives
How long does JF have to use the bathroom if he wants to earn his reward, what is his reward, and when do we give it?
What is 10 minutes (one time over), and 1/2 cup cereal or a pop tart, at the end of the day.
What three people at Day have take daily medications, and what do you have to do if they refuse to take their daily psychotropic medication?
What is DJ, JS and PT; you have to write a GER.
What are MC's restrictions (hint there are 4)
What is PO PRN- Zyprexa Zydis 5mg, IM PRN- Ativan 1mg, No caffeine, Planned use of SCIP-R physical intervention standing and seated wrap for the administration of IM PRN.
Who's plan is this in: Strategies for Cooperation: • TELL HIM THAT YOU NEED HELP; _______ likes to help with “special” projects (i.e. clean, make copies, help with bulletin board, etc.) • Present demands one at a time • Be specific when giving direction • Ignore spontaneous refusals, wait a few minutes and prompt again; • Give “five minute warnings” for transitions “_________ in 5 minutes we will be cleaning up and getting ready for lunch.” • Explain changes in routine in a calm tone of voice
Who is JS
Who's warning signs are these: General Warning Signs for Target Behaviors: • Rubbing her face and chest (open hand up and down) • Yelling • Heavy breathing • Frequent staring at her hand with an intense smile • Raspy deep mumbling while rocking back and forth • Constant seeking coffee and soda… eyes shifting back and forth • Repeating requests in a whiny voice
Who is LG
What is JS and DJ's reward and how often can he earn his reward?
What is $1 at the end of the week.
Who has IM PRN's prescribed?
What is JS, LP, JY and MC
What are NC's restrictions (hint there are 3)
What is PO PRN- Ativan 2mg, Planned use of SCIP-R physical intervention- up to and including 3 person supine, Lunch bag.
Who's skill building is this: Coping Skills & Relaxation Techniques: • _____ likes vibrating sensory items, she will often pick a chair that has a vibrating pad in it. Sometimes ______ will do short whines to indicate that she wants more sensory input. • ______ will massage herself to help self-sooth. • When ______ is over stimulated due to a loud and chaotic environment, ________ will sometimes stand up and walk out of the room into a quieter room to relax. • Taking a short walk or sitting in her wheelchair and going on a long walk either around the building or on an outing i.e. at the park or mall.
Who is JW
Who's warning signs are these: General Warning signs of agitation (indicating target behaviors are likely) include: • Talking fast and loud • Bossing people • Swearing • Mumbling • Pacing around • Making dramatic medical complaints • Threatening to run away, swallow inedible objects, hurt himself, others or property • Talking about wanting to go to the hospital, to call an ambulance or the police to arrest him. General Setting Events (indicating target behaviors are likely): • Over-stimulating environment • Unexpected change in routine • Other’s agitated, aggressive behavior • Hearing about or seeing a hospital or ambulance
Who is JS
How often do you have to document if people earn their reward and where do you document it?
What is on daily tracking, and in t-log. JF also has the tracking the bathroom.
Who has it written in their behavior plan that their PRN can be given at 5 minutes of _____ behavior instead of 10 minutes and why is that? (hint three people)
What is DJ, if on transport or in the community due to the intensity of his behavior (for the safety of everyone), JW if she is doing SIB that could harm herself (for her safety), JY because that is how his psychiatrist wrote it on his script due to the intensity of his behaviors at home.
What are LP's restrictions (hint there are 4)
What is PO PRN- Zyprexa Zydis 5mg, Ativan 1 mg (only given with first dose), IM PRN Ativan 1mg, Helmet, Planned use of SCIP-R up to and including 3 person supine.
Who's program objective is this: The intent of this plan is to provide _____ with an environment that allows him to reach his full potential through supporting him in building communication skills so that he is able to express his wants and needs; developing and practicing coping skills to manage behavior challenges and providing him with sensory input throughout his day to meet sensory needs and decrease behaviors expressed due to unmet sensory needs.
Who is PT
What are PT's target behaviors (hint there are 4)?
What is: Physical Aggression, Impulsive Actions, Inappropriate Sexual Behavior, Incontinence/overflowing urinal
What is the criteria for JS to earn his reward at the end of the week?
What is not demonstrating target behaviors which are: Physical Aggression, SIB, Property Destruction, Elopement, and Swallowing Inedible Objects (or threatening to).
Who's PO is to be offered after 15 minutes instead of 10?
What is MC
What are DJ's restrictions (hint their are 5)
What is PRN- Heldol and Ativan PO, Planned use of SCIP-R physical intervention- up to and including 3 person supine, Bus seat- can not sit in the front seat, Seat Belt Guard, daily psychotropic medication- Ativan 1mg.
Who's program objective is this: The objective is to find more activities that ___ enjoys that builds skills such as communication, mobility, fine motor skills etc. As well as activities that provide her with sensory input which will help stabilize her mood and decrease SIB and self-stimulating behavior.
Who is JW
What are JF's target behaviors?
What is Excessive time in the Bathroom, Lunch Time, Threats of Physical Aggression/Physical Aggression, Touching Others/Sensory Input.
What is the criteria for DJ to earn his reward at the end of the week?
What is not demonstrating target behaviors which are: Physical Aggression, SIB, Property Destruction and Elopement.
Fill in the blanks for a general rule of thumb when it comes to PO PRN's at 2180 Genesee: _______________ behaviors have to be present for _______ with staff ______________ before __________ can be offered.
What is _Target____ behaviors have to be present for __10 minutes__ with staff _encouraging coping skills_____ before __PRN___ can be offered.
What are JS's restrictions (hint there are 5)
What is PO PRN- Zyprexa Zydis 10mg, IM PRN- Ativan 2mg, Limitations on personal possessions, Planned use of SCIP-R physical intervention- up to and including 3 person supine- modified, Daily psychotropic medication Zyprexa 20mg.
Who's program objective is this? The objective is to increase _____ independence through reality orientation and participating in conversations and activities with his peers.
Who is MB
Do JS's modified Supine.
o During a behavioral crisis, JS may drop to the floor. If JS continues in his agitated state while on the floor, and is a danger to himself or others, staff should position themselves on each side of him in the Two Person Supine Position. Staff should have one hand on JS’s wrist and the other hand on his shoulder. o If additional staff is needed/available; the third person will wrap their arms around JS’s thighs, just above his knees. This person will be lying on their side facing Jason. The first two staff will adjust their position so knees are facing JS and their hands will go from JSs shoulder to elbow, keeping their other hand on the wrist. JS should always be checked for injuries after the use of SCIP-R physical interventions.