His voice seemed to ____ into the distance as she walked away.
What's the title and author of the story?
Echo and Narcissus
Synopsis by T.J. Vais
What's the first word that Echo spoke to Narcissus?
"Caress me."
what did Echo do to distract Hera?
By telling her a story.
What is the relationship between Zeus and Hera, besides mate?
Please tell us your favourite god in the Greek Mythology, and why?
at least 30 words
Why was Echo cursed?
She got the curse from Hera, by helping Zeus.
Use " So...that" and " the moment(that)" to make a sentence
( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
List the Beginning and End of Mycenaean Civilization
1450-1100 BC
Where did the story come from?
What is the moral of the story?
( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
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Oops, you accidentally stepped on a trap
minus 1000 for your team
poor you🥺
Which constellation is closest to Earth?
The closest constellation to Earth is Centaurus. It contains Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to our solar system, located about 4.37 light-years away.
What is the another name for the flower, narcissus?
What does Narcissus mean in western?
A.Eternal Love
B.Good times
C.feeling oneself
E.Secret Love
The word narcissism comes from the English word for daffodil (Narcissus).
What's the origin of Coma Berenices?
A.Two-wheeled carriage
B.Man-eating lion
C.Half Man Half Goat
E.The brothers with a good relationship
F.the queen who cut her hair
What is the largest river in Greece?
Name three of Zeus' kids
The Muse
Guess what are the begining letter of Zeus' parents names?
The format should be like this →(mom/dad)
Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rhea
Who was Ares mother?
A. Dione
B. Hera
C. Dione
D. Leto
E. Antiope
Ares is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus in Greece. His Roman name is Mars, which is one of the eight planets.
A long, long time ago, before the Muses were born, cicadas were also human. The Muses are nine sisters who are responsible for managing all the beautiful things in heaven and earth. Some are in charge of painting, some are in charge of music, some are in charge of love, some are in charge of philosophy, and some are in charge of dance. One of the Muses composed a beautiful song. The cicada liked this song very much and sang it to its heart's content every day, as if it was possessed and would not stop singing. It even refused to eat or sleep. At the end he sang in a trance and finally gave up on his own life. Muse, the god of death, was deeply moved by the fact that the cicada died for music. At the same time, in order to reward the cicada for its love of music, the cicada was turned into an insect that could die and be resurrected. From that time on, the cicada became the loyal messenger of the Muse. They know neither hunger nor fatigue. They start singing in the trees as soon as they are born until they die. After they die, they report everything in the human world to the Muse. Those among them who report about dance can gain the love of the goddess Thepsichord, who is in charge of dance. Those who report about love can gain the love of the goddess Ela. If you report something about philosophy, you will gain the love of Calliope, the oldest of the Muses. Those who report about music can gain the love of the goddess Urania.
What does the story of the cicadas reveal about the relationship between art, sacrifice, and divine reward?
It shows that deep devotion to art can lead to divine recognition and eternal life.
What does Hera symbolize?
Hera is often seen holding a pomegranate, which is a nod to her being the goddess of fertility.
Who is the Greek god representing the earth?
Where is Parthenon?
Point it out on the map
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Please put the gods in the ordor of the Nine planets
A.God of Business
B.The goddess of beauty
C.God of War
D.Emperor of Heaven, Lord God
E.Mother Earth
F.God of Agriculture
G.God of the Underworld
H.God who rules the world
I.God of sea