Research Rockstars
Logical Fallacies
7 Habits
Challenging Words
Great Characteristics
The items listed on a works cited page
What is sources
I am going to punch your face in if you do not give me your cheetos right now!
What is appeal to force
Who is the author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and what is the 1st Habit?
Who is Sean Covey, Be Proactive
To present a problem or difficulty is to __________ it.
What is pose
We can count on you without fail... you are honest, capable, and trustworthy!
What is reliable.
To use a source for research you must be sure to check that the source is...
What is credible.
You and one of your friends are both trying out for the basketball team. Your friend goes to the coach and starts saying you don't show up for practices and are not a good team player. This logical fallacy is called....
What is poisoning the well
Taking positive action rather than waiting is...
What is proactive
To have particular meaning or importance for someone; To affect or appeal to someone in a personal or emotional way.
What is resonate.
Having a clear perception of your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivations, and emotions.
What is self-aware.
It is considered acceptable to interview people as a _______________ for research.
What is reference.
The police officer asked the witnesses to provide the facts. The first witness shared that the red car did not stop at the stop light and ran into the blue car. The second witness shared that the blue car did not stop at the stop light and ran into the red car. The problem here is that one of these witnesses is...
What is confusing the facts.
The first step or action toward beginning something is...
What is initiative
A strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way is called ....
What is penchant
Basing opinions or judgements on facts rather than feelings or opinions is a characteristic called...
What is objective.
Once you have _______________ the sources of information for the research you plan to do, you should then _________ each source choosing the only the best ones for your paper.
What is evaluated, and examine.
There is no way that man is going to make a great President! He dresses weird and eats lunch at all the wrong times! This is an example of...
What is arguing against the person
Richard failed his math test and then threw a massive temper tantrum demanding that the teacher check it again! His response to this situation is known as...
What is reactive
To avoid being stopped by (something, such as a law or rule) To get around (something)
What is circumvent
The ability to continue on a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with challenges and setbacks.
What is perseverance.
Before turning in a research paper or project it is best to _________________________ that all the information presented is ________________________.
What is verify and accurate.
the use of incorrect information to defend a claim is know as...
What is misinformation errors
Our group works incredibly well together. The way we work together has has helped us to be more successful. We have...
What is synergy
The language used for a particular activity or by a particular group of people.
What is jargon.
Through all of the ups and downs, she tends to recover from misfortune and change. She is...
What is resilient.