Port Numbers
Troubleshooting Mix

What is the port name of port number 53?

Domain Name System (DNS)


What printer uses special paper and heat to produce text and images for its output? 

Thermal Printer


What kind of connector associated with DSL modems and telephone systems, use two-pair cabling?



What kind of network infrastructure involves connections that span over large geographic distances.

Wide area network (WAN) 


What is the 3rd step in ComTIA's troubleshooting process?

Test the theory


What is the port number of Remote Desktop Protocol?

Port 3389


When purchasing a new printer, you need to figure out the speed of the printing. How is the basic speed of a printer measured?

Pages per minute (PPM)


What cat standard has a max transfer rate of 100 Mbps?

Cat 5


What is the open source term for APIPA?

Link Local


After printing a page from a laser printer, you notice the text smudges easily and the page is cold to the touch, what component may need to be replaced?

The fuser


What is the port number for Post Office Protocol (POP3) with TLS/SSL enabled?

Port 995


What component in a printer is responsible for folding, stapling, and hole punching paper?

Finisher unit


What kind of cable is needed if you are running it through a false ceiling and require it to meet fire safety standards?

Plenum cable


What kind of network device would you need installed if you're converting an optical signal to an electric one.

Optical Network Terminal (ONT)


You have brought your smartphone to your new job. You log in to the company network and after verifying your credentials, you noticed that built in features such as your camera and microphone are disabled during office hours. What is causing this restriction?

The company's Mobile Device Management (MDM) software.


You are a network manager for your company's directory. After a recent change in staff and resources. You want to make a report on the current status of active users and data within the directory. What is the port name and number that you will be using for this information? 

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) port 389


What are the 4 principal ways you can locally connect a printer. (Wired/Wireless)

USB, Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth 


What video cable interface is this? 


What device translates between the private IP addresses on the LAN to public IP addresses to the internet?

NAT device


When you boot up your standard desktop PC. You notice your system's LED status shows constant activity. You also notice your PC is extremely sluggish when attempting to boot up and run applications. What does this problem may indicate?

The PC is disk thrashing from low RAM


You have two computers inside your home. While using one of them, you have decided to make configurations and security adjustments to your 2nd computer. You don't want anyone to intercept and monitor the sensitive data that will be passed through this connection. What port transport type, name and number will you use to securely connect the 2nd computer at the command-line? 

TCP Secure Shell (SSH) port 25


What is the 7 steps of the laser printer imaging process in order?


Fiber optic cable connectors have several form factors to choose from. What form factor has a method of a push-and-twist mechanism for connection?

Straight tip (ST)


With a 3G cellular radio. There are two competing formats that give different functionalities to a user's cellular data when purchasing a handset. What are the two format standards?

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)


While using a wifi router that was recently installed inside your home, you notice some interference within your connection. You decide to check the router settings and scan neighboring wifi signals in your area. You observe that two wifi signals are using channels 1 and 6, while your router is using channel 5. What would you do to possibly solve the connection issue? 

Change your router's channel to 11
