Pain Management
Anesthesia Monitoring
Surgical Assisting/Misc
Post Operative Care

Drugs that make up the combination anesthetic DKT.

What are dexmedetomidine, ketamine, butorphanol?

Bonus- Controlled? Reversals?


Concern for kidney perfusion when MAP drops below this level.

What is 60 mmHg?


Which drape is placed first when placing surgical drapes?

What is lateral drape closest to first person draping.

"Lateral Near"

Bonus: How to Pass Ring Handled Instruments?


Radiographic technique used for all teeth except caudal mandibular.

What is bisecting angle?

Bonus: What technique do we use for caudal mandibular?


Pocket of straw colored fluid that forms under incision site usually as a result of too much activity.

What is a Seroma?


Anticipating and treating pain in advance of the pain's actual occurrence.

What is Pre-emptive analgesia?

Bonus: How soon should pet receive NSAID before painful procedure? 

Cat NSAID example?


These three parameters allow you to assess tissue perfusion during anesthesia.

What are BP, MM color and CRT.

Bonus: What is most accurate way to measure BP?


The pre-anesthetic minimal database.

What are ALT, BUN, PCV/TS, BG?


Grade of furcation if probe passes > 1 mm but not all the way through?

What is a Grade II Furcation?

Bonus: Describe other Furcation Grades I, III


Neonates, geriatrics, patients with liver, kidney disease or lean body conditions should receive lower doses of anesthetics to prevent this post anesthetic complication.

What is prolonged recovery?


Post operative pain assessment rechecks should be at least every -

What is 2 hours?


The ASA status of a patient with a Grade II heart murmur that does not need any medications?

What is an ASA score II?


Used to place over exposed organs or underneath retractors to protect tissue integrity.

What are laparotomy sponges?


This is the maximum amount of time you should spend on single tooth for polishing.

What is 5 seconds?

Bonus: Per single tooth with ultrasonic scaling?


Medicinal maggots, dry-to-dry, wet-to-dry and honey bandages are all types of this.

What is nonsurgical debridement?


Pain caused by stimulus that doesn't normally cause pain?

What is allodynia?


The plateau on the display wave of a capnography tracing indicates this -

What is end tidal CO2?


The goal when cleaning surgical suite and prepping patient is to achieve _____ = removal of all pathogenic microorganisms that cause infection.

What is Asepsis?

Bonus: Versus the definition of Sterility.


Type of malocclusion where maxilla is shorter than normal.

What is Type III Malocclusion?

Bonus: Type where Mandible is shorter?


The stage of wound healing where fibroblasts are actively creating granulation tissue the wound site.

What is the Repair Stage?

Bonus: Name other stages of wound healing with primary characteristics.


Term when using a combination of a sedative/tranquilizer and an analgesic.

What is neuroleptanalgesia?

Bonus: Examples?


This type of drug takes away our ability to monitor anesthetic depth based on pupil dilation.

What is an anticholinergic?

- causes mydriasis. 

Bonus: 1)Why do we give this medication and 

2) what other side effect can we see when given?


Responsibility of circulating nurse before opening a pack (4 answers).

What is checking contents, packaging for tears, expiration date and sterile indicator tape.


Best type of suture characteristics 

1) size 2) type of filament 3)absorbability 4)needle and 5) Common type of pattern

used in dental extractions.

What is 3-0 or 4-0, monofilament, absorbable with taper point needle. Simple interrupted.  


Name 3 types of patients that are at increased risk for developing post-anesthetic hypothermia. 

Neonates, geriatric and lean BCS (greyhounds)

Bonus: Name 5 things that contribute to hypothermia under anesthesia.
