Organization which preceded the United Nations?
This revolution in the late 18th century led to the overthrow of King Louis XVI and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.
What is the French Revolution?
This body of water off the coast of Florida recently underwent a name change.
What is the Gulf of America?
The topic of the HNMUN training session two weekends ago.
What is "The Role of Science and Technology in International Security and Disarmament"?
This Vulcan science officer served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Who is Spock?
This is the total number of member states in the United Nations as of 2024.
What is 193?
This abolitionist helped plan and lead the Harpers Ferry raid.
Who is John Brown?
This European leader visited President Trump in Washington this week to discuss the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Who is Emmanuel Macron?
This dictator stole one of the UMass MUN elections last year.
Who is Emma Hoffmann?
This ruling body, composed of 24 heads of the Great Houses, governs the Klingon Empire.
What is the Klingon High Council?
First secretary general of the United Nations
Who is Trygve Lie?
What is the February 28th Incident?
Over 200 earthquakes in a 48-hour period have led to evacuations on this Greek island.
What is Santorini?
The Professor who gave a presentation at our gen-bod last semester
Who is Kevin Young?
This Starfleet officer was named Arbiter of Succession, overseeing the power struggle during the Klingon Civil War.
Who is Jean-Luc Picard?
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is based in this African city.
What is Nairobi?
This nation, formerly called the Gold Coast, became the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence from colonial rule in 1957.
What is Ghana?
This African nation recently faced a suspension of aid from the UK
What is Rwanda?
Julia Schowalter's favorite type of apple
What is honey crisp apples?
This ritual determines the rightful successor to the position of Klingon Chancellor.
What is the Rite of Succession?
Designer of the UN logo?
Who is Oliver Lincoln Lundquist?
This 1955 conference was hosted by Indonesia, Burma (Myanmar), India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and Pakistan in 1955 to promote cooperation, peace, and decolonization.
What is the Bandung Conference?
This woman, who was the oldest living Holocaust survivor, died on Monday morning.
Who is Rose Girone?
The number of delegates signed up for UMUN this year
What is 127?
These two Klingon sisters were the masterminds behind the Duras faction’s bid for power.
Who are Lursa and B’Etor?