This hierarchical system divided French society into three distinct classes before the Revolution.
What was the Three Estates System?
In 1799, Napoleon took power in France through this sudden overthrow of the government.
What was a coup d'état?
Inspired by Enlightenment ideas and the events in France, this movement led to Haiti becoming the first independent Black republic.
What was the Haitian Revolution?
This duo—one a military leader, the other a political mastermind—were key figures in Italian unification. (Name at least one)
Who were Giuseppe Garibaldi and Camillo di Cavour?
The desire for raw materials and new markets for industrial goods drove this 19th-century European competition.
What was the Scramble for Africa?
Made up of commoners, including peasants and the bourgeoisie, this group was the driving force behind the French Revolution.
What was the Third Estate?
This legal system, introduced by Napoleon, standardized laws across France and influenced legal codes worldwide.
What was the Napoleonic Code?
A former enslaved man and brilliant military strategist, he led the Haitian Revolution against France.
Who was Toussaint L’Ouverture?
This Prussian statesman is credited with leading German unification through his policy of "blood and iron."
Who was Otto von Bismarck?
This African kingdom, under the leadership of Menelik II, successfully resisted Italian colonization in 1896.
What was Ethiopia?
Rising bread prices, financial crises, and widespread discontent helped ignite this major event in 1789.
What was the French Revolution?
After his initial defeat, Napoleon was sent to this Mediterranean island, though he would later escape.
What was Elba?
Haiti became the first country in the Western Hemisphere to permanently abolish this institution.
What was slavery?
Pride and loyalty to one’s nation, often leading to movements for independence and unity, define this political ideology.
What is nationalism?
European powers formalized their claims over African territories at this 1884-1885 meeting.
What was the Berlin Conference?
Sworn in defiance of royal orders, this pledge marked the National Assembly’s commitment to writing a constitution.
What was the Tennis Court Oath?
Harsh winters and a scorched-earth strategy by the Russians doomed this military campaign.
What was Napoleon’s invasion of Russia?
Before gaining independence, this French colony was one of the world’s most profitable due to its sugar plantations.
What was Saint Domingue?
This war, orchestrated by Otto von Bismarck in 1870, helped unify Germany by rallying support against a common enemy.
What was the Franco-Prussian War?
This artificial waterway, completed in 1869, significantly shortened the sea route between Europe and Asia.
What was the Suez Canal?
This violent event on July 14, 1789, symbolized the beginning of the French Revolution.
What was the storming of the Bastille?
This 1815 battle marked Napoleon’s final defeat at the hands of European coalitions.
What was the Battle of Waterloo?
This country shares an island with Haiti.
What is the Dominican Republic?
This Italian nationalist movement, meaning "resurgence," aimed to unify Italy under a single government.
What was the Risorgimento?
This controversial theory was used by European imperialists to justify their domination over African and Asian societies.
What was Social Darwinism?