one of something is called...
singular noun
preceded means...
came before something else
a word particle
She shouted I don't care if I ever see you again!
comma after shouted and quotation marks
...will set your purpose for reading
asking yourself questions
some nouns have the same form in singular and plural... true or false
principal means...
most important
helps you spell, read, and understand the meaning of words.
Greek or Latin Root Words
"what are you bringing to the picnic" she asked her teacher.
capital "W" for what and question mark after "picnic"
...may be a topic from history and include headings, charts, and diagrams.
expository test
more than one of something is called...
plural nouns
aspiring means...
describes someone who wants to achieve a goal
the root word for disappointment is...
He told her "i wish you would say those hurtful things"
comma after her, capital "I" and a period at the end of the sentence
... is looking at what two things have in common
nouns that do not form in the regular way is called...
irregular nouns
foundation means...
basis on which something is developed
the prefix in the word incompletely is...
Mustang sally you better slow your mustang down, he sang
capital "S" for Sally, quotation marks, and period looking at the differences between things
most singular nouns form their plural by changing the inside vowel(s)... true or false
speculation means...
guess not based on fact or thought
changes the meaning of a word
prefixes and suffixes
Karl asked his coach how late is chris going to be to the game
comma after coach, capital "C" for chris, and question mark at the end of the sentence
... is the system of government by the whole population.