To Kill a Mockingbird
Romeo and Juliet
The Outsiders
Literary Devices

Which individual is alienated by Maycomb for his lifestyle AND why + how does he cope with it?


Pretends to be an alcoholic

Gives people a "reason" for why he lives the way he does


"Arise Fair Sun and Kill the Envious Moon Who is Already Pale and Sick With Grief"

Give the speaker, when/where it was said, and what it means


At Juliet's balcony after the party

His affection for her is growing (rising like the sun) and his love for Rosaline is moving away (like dawn). Now, Rosaline is pale and sickly looking to him whereas Juliet is very beautiful.

Besides money, what is the "fundamental" difference between Greasers and Socs?

What is able to unite them and why do you think this is?

The Greasers "feel too much" while the Socs don't "feel anything"

Sunsets unite them because it serves as a reminder of their commonalities and individual identities. Those who look at sunsets are able to bridge the gap in identity.





Spartan - simple, lacking luxury

Odoriferous - having or giving off a smell

Punctilious - showing attention to detail and behavior


What is symbolism? What is an example from The Outsiders?

When a person/object/thing represents an abstract idea

The Greaser's hair; The Soc's rings


What happened to Bob Ewell and what is the story told about it? Why?

He was killed by Boo who was protecting Jem and Scout

The story told is that he fell on his own knife

To protect Boo who is a "mockingbird"


"Wisely and Slow, They Stumble that Run Fast"

Give the speaker, where/when it was said, and meaning/significance

Friar Lawrence

Just After Agreeing to Marry Romeo and Juliet

Emphasizes the need to move slowly and think things through. Ironic because Romeo's tragic flaw is his over reliance on emotions and affections that often replace his logic and rational thought.


Describe 3 different characters' eyes

What is the significance of eyes in the novel?

Darry - "icy" blue

Dally - "icy" blue

Soda - "dancing" brown

Johnny - black like an "abused puppy"

Ponyboy - grey/green

Eyes highlight deeper aspects of a character's personality and outlook based on their experiences





Strife - conflict

Impediment - obstacle

Feckless - careless


What is a theme? What is an example from To Kill a Mockingbird?

A moral or lesson from a story

Loss of innocence, Social Injustice and Alienation, The Importance of Empathy


How does Aunt Alexandra's view of Scout AND Atticus shift throughout the second half of the book?

Provide specific examples for each

- Scout: Becomes more accepting of her tomboy personality. Even gives her her overalls at the end of the story.

- Atticus: Becomes more understanding of both his support for Tom Robinson (shifts from the view he was "embarrassing" the family to an understanding of the personal toll of the case). Also, Becomes more understanding of his parenting.


"I fear too early for my mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars"

Give the speaker, where/when it was said, and meaning/significance


Just before entering the Capulet Party

Establishes the "fate" in the background of the events of the play. He is foreshadowing his tragic end and presenting it as something pre-determined and out of his control (handing in the stars), yet he goes to the party, showing his lack of reason and overreliance on emotions.


How does Ponyboy's identity shift throughout the book? Why?

From a reliance on collective identity to individual as a result of learning from Johnny's advice





Sagacious - wisdom and sound judgment

Secular - Worldly; not connected with religion

Disseminate - to spread, especially of information


The 3 types of irony and what they mean

Dramatic - Reader/audience knows something the character(s) do/does not

Situation - Outcome of something is the opposite of what is expected

Verbal - Sarcasm; What is said is the opposite of what is meant


Describe Scout's 2 teachers: Miss Caroline and Miss Gates

Specifically what do they highlight about Maycomb

Miss Caroline: New to Maycomb, disciplined Scout for explaining Walter's situation. Leaves her first day crying because of Burris Ewell. Shows how Maycomb is set in its ways and often misunderstood by "outsiders"

Miss Gates: Says the discrimination and injustice happening to Jewish people in Europe could never happen in the US due to its "democratic" ways. She was overheard saying "they" deserved it at the trial.


"I defy you stars"

Give the speaker, when/where it was said, meaning/significance


In Mantua after hearing about Juliet's death from Balthazar

Shows the effect of his emotions on him as well as the role of "fate". He believes he is "defying" fate by killing himself to be with Juliet out of his despair that she is "dead" (obviously she isn't) which is actually bringing him towards his tragic fate.


Why did Dally respond to Johnny's death in the way he did? What does it show about him and the novel's themes?

He had goodness inside of him and its only outlet was his protection of Johnny. He had "hardened" himself to the outside world to protect himself. Johnny's death broke that and allowed him to be hurt again. He could not cope with that harm as an individual. This emphasizes the need for identity and the ability to accept one's loss of innocence.





Adage - old saying accepted as true

Temporal - Worldly, material concerns

Pomp - ceremony and display


"A Thursday let it be. A Thursday, tell her,                   She shall be married to this noble earl."

This is an example of what literary device? Why?

Dramatic Irony

Audience is aware of Juliet's marriage to Romeo while Capulet is not. He is doing the opposite of what he should for Juliet's sake.


What is Boo's only line in the book?

How is he a "mockingbird"?

What lesson does he wind up teaching Scout by the end of the book?

"Will you take me home?"

He retains a childlike innocent that can only be preserved through his reclusive ways. However, he is victimized for his differences.

You never really understand someone until you step in their shoes. While Atticus spoke about this throughout the book, it takes meeting Boo (and losing some innocence) for Scout to truly understand.


"virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied; and vice sometime by action dignified"

Give the speaker, where/when it was said, and meaning/significance

Friar Lawrence

Collecting herbs just before Romeo talks to him about marrying Juliet

Shows that, in anything, good can turn bad and vice-versa depending on their path. Foreshadows early that their tragedy is not exactly set in stone and gives reason to believe his view that it could end the conflict (virtue) could work. However, because of Romeo's tragic flaws and the couple's "fate", it can only turn bad (vice)


What was Soda's horse's name, what happened to him, and why does it matter?

Mickey Mouse and he had to be sold when the family could no longer afford him.

Highlights an early for of loss of innocence as Soda's favorite thing was taken from him due to the family's financial situation. It also sheds some light on the stress put on Soda and Darry to take care of Pony without their parents around.





Exhort - strongly encourage/urge

Consecrate - make/declare sacred

Indolent - avoiding activity/exertion; lazy


"If he be married

My grave is like to be my wedding bed"

This is what literary device? Why?


Foreshadowing; This sets up her tragic end before she even figures out who Romeo is.
