what is Imago Dei?
All humans made in the image of God
what is social sin?
long standing patterns of inequity cannot be contributed to any single individual, but are rightly blamed on social systems that display a momentum of their own
What is Work
positive opportunity to collaborate with others, to develop skills and to contribute to society
Criteria for entering into war-Latin
(jus ad bellum)
What is Pacifism
if evil is overcome, it will be accomplished by means that are good in themselves
What is common good?
the total of all those conditions of social living - economic, political, sociological and cultural - which make it possible for women and men readily and fully to achieve the perfection of their humanity. Emphasizes the participation of each and every person
what is moral obligation?
to care deeply about a world in poverty and ponder the causes
What happened in 1848?
Year of Revolutions in Europe
What is Human Labor?
contains the human response to the God who invites all people to become co-creators of the material world; never a commodity
What is "shalom"
What is participation?
a means to express human freedom; right and duty of each person to participate in the full range of activities and institutions of social life; democratic participation in decision making
Work is?
positive opportunity to collaborate with others, to develop skills and to contribute to society
What is Union?
play a constructive role in the pursuit of economic justice
those closest to any problem are best suited to solve it
What is Solidarity
an inner attitude manifested in outward action that demonstrates a person’s commitment to the well-being of others. The entire world is one family
Families are?
the place where the unconditional love of God is reflected in everyday life
1963 Pacem in Terris
human rights are one way of expressing what is owed to humans because of innate dignity coming from God
What is Private property
a natural good that follows from work, understood as co-creating with God; provides incentive for people to care for themselves
What is diaconia
those responsible for the service of charity
What is Subsidiarity-Latin
What does the L in LORDS.C.C. stand for?
What does the O in LORDS.C.C. stand for?
What does the R in LORDS.C.C. stand for?
What does the D in LORDS.C.C. stand for?
What does the S in LORDS.C.C. stand for?