What 1942 Disney film features a fawn as the main character?
What is Bambi?
What is the scientific name for the process of plants making food using sunlight?
What is photosynthesis?
In which sport would you perform a slam dunk?
What is basketball?
Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?
Who is Jane Austen?
What car company introduced the iconic Mustang in 1964?
What is Ford?
What movie features the quote, “There’s no place like home?”
What is the Wizard of Oz?
What is the term for animals that are active at night?
What is nocturnal?
What sport involves the terms ‘bogey’ and ‘birdie’?
What is golf?
Who painted The Last Supper?
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
What U.S. state is known as the “Sunshine State”?
What is Florida?
What actress played the role of Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
Who is Audrey Hepburn?
What do you call a baby kangaroo?
What is a joey?
Which sport uses the terms checkmate and stalemate?
What is chess?
Which artist painted The Starry Night?
Who is Vincent van Gogh?
What popular board game includes the phrase “Do not pass Go”?
What is Monopoly?
What famous comedian starred in the show I Love Lucy?
Who is Lucille Ball?
Which element is a diamond composed of?
What is carbon?
How many Grand Slam tennis tournaments are there in a year?
What is four?
Who wrote The Odyssey?
Who is Homer?
What is the name of the famous Route that runs from Chicago to Los Angeles?
What is Route 66?
In the show Gilligan’s Island, what was the name of the boat?
How many chambers does the human heart have?
What is four?
Which country has won the most Olympic gold medals?
What is the United States?
What is the name of the painting known for its enigmatic smile, housed in the Louvre Museum?
What is the Mona Lisa?
What was the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space?
What is Sputnik?