The Earth has this
general shape
What is round?
A solar day is measured relative to this object.
What is the sun?
Mythologically, Cassiopeia's husband is represented by this constellation
What is Cepheus?
This swan-shaped constellation represents Zeus
What is Cygnus?
The Winter Hexagon has this many stars
What is seven (7)?
On the equinoxes, Earth's axis has this tilt.
What is 23.5 degrees
On the equinox, Peabody, MA receives this many more hours of sunlight than St. Kilda, Australia.
What is zero?
Dubhe and Merak point south to Regulus, but point this direction to the brightest star in Ursa Minor
What is north?
This is the only zodiac constellation we learned about in the fall sky
What is Aries?
This is the smallest asterism in the winter sky
What is Orion's Belt?
Of the three different types of days, these are the shortest.
What are sidereal days?
The tilt of the Earth causes variations in this, which then cause seasonal temperature changes.
What is the concentration or amount of sunlight?
Great Bear is a roller coaster at Hersheypark that is partially themed to this constellation
What is Ursa Major?
This is the only star in the Great Square of Pegasus that is not exclusively part of the constellation Pegasus
What is Alpheratz?
M42 is the only nebula visible to the naked eye from Earth and it is found in this constellation
What is Orion?
The Earth comes closest to the Sun during this northern hemisphere season.
What is winter?
The midnight sun can only occur here on Earth due to the 23.5 degree tilt
What are the poles?
It wasn't until the 2010 discovery of this dimmer star within a binary pair (in Ursa Major) that revealed the binary star system itself.
What is Alcor?
M31, the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, got its name from being behind this constellation
What is Andromeda?
Of all the red/orange stars whose name we learned, this is the only one whose name does NOT begin with A.
What is Betelgeuse?
When attempting to persuade someone, this is an excellent question to start with.
What evidence can I show you which will get you to change your opinion?
The Sun is about this many times larger, and this many times farther away from Earth, than the moon.
What is about 400 times?
Thuban, the last star in the tail of Draco, is found between these two stars
What are Dubhe and Polaris?
Be careful when drawing the lines of Andromeda! You don't want to draw them too low and run into this constellation.
What is Triangulum?
This technique is used when guiding someone from Rigel to Betelgeuse to Castor and Pollux, or from Alnitak to Alnilam to Mintaka to Aldebaran.
What is star hopping?