Name that Category 1
Name that Category 2
Name that Category 3
Name that Category 4
Name that Category 5
What is the ability to perform work or participate in activity over time using the body’s oxygen uptake, delivery and energy release mechanism?
Aerobic Capacity/Endurance
What is the ability to learn or demonstrate the skillful and efficient assumption, maintenance, modification, and control of voluntary postures and movement patterns?
Motor Function (Motor Control and Motor Learning)
What is the alignment and positioning of the body in relation to gravity, center of mass, or base of support?
What is the movement of blood through organs and tissues to deliver oxygen to remove carbon dioxide and the passive movement (drainage) or lymph through channels, organs, and tissues for removal of cellular byproducts and inflammatory wastes?
Circulation (Arterial, Venous, Lymphatic)
Which category includes the following: the manner in which a person walks, characterized by rhythm, cadence, step, stride, and spee the ability to move from one place to another the ability to maintain the body in equilibrium with gravity both statically (ie, while stationary) and dynamically (ie, while moving)?
Gait, Locomotion, and Balance
Which category includes the arc through which movement occurs at a joint or a series of joints and the maximum extensibility of a muscle-tendon unit?
Range of Motion (Including Muscle Length)
Please state which description matches the definition for body mechanics, and which description is referring to ergonomics: 1. the relationship among the worker, the work that is done; the actions, tasks, or activities inherent in that work (job/school/play); and the environment in which the work (job/school/play) is performed. Ergonomics uses scientific and engineering principles to improve safety, efficiency, and quality of movement involved in work (job/school/play) 2. the interrelationships of the muscles and joints as they maintain or adjust posture in response to forces placed on or generated by the body
1 = ergonomics 2 = body mechanics
What is a disturbed sensation that causes suffering or distress?
What is the physical impediments that keep patients/clients from functioning optimally in their surroundings?
Environmental, Home, and Work (Job/School/Play) Barriers
What is the intactness of the skin, including the ability of the skin to serve as a barrier to environmental threats (eg, bacteria, parasites)?
Integumentary Integrity
What is the intactness of the neural path involved in a reflex?
Reflex Integrity
What is the biomechanical elements necessitated by the loss of a body part?
Prosthetic Requirements
Please state which of the following descriptions matches the definition for cranial nerve integrity and for peripheral nerve integrity: 1. the intactness of the twelve pairs of nerves connected with the brain, including their somatic, visceral, and afferent and efferent components 2. the intactness of the spinal nerves, including the afferent and efferent components
1 = cranial nerve integrity 2 = peripheral nerve integrity
Please state which description is best for ventilation and which is best for respiration: 1. the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide across a membrane either in the lungs or at the cellular level 2. the movement of a volume of gas into and out of the lungs
1 = respiration 2 = ventilation
Please differentiate between sensory integration and neuromotor development using the following description: 1. the acquisition and evolution of movement skills throughout the life span 2. the ability to integrate information that is derived from the environment and that relates to movement
1 = neuromotor development 2 = sensory integration
Please distinguish between joint integrity and joint mobility: 1. the intactness of the structure and shape of the joint, including its osteokinematic and arthrokinematic characteristics. The tests and measures of this area assess the anatomic and biomechanical components of the joint 2. the capacity of the joint to be moved passively, taking into account the structure and shape of the joint surface in addition to characteristics of the tissue surrounding the joint. The tests and measures of this area assess the performance of accessory joint movements, which are not under voluntary control
1 = joint integrity 2 = joint mobility
What are those traits that describe body dimensions, such as height, weight, girth, and body fat composition?
Anthropometric Characteristics
This category is Assistive and Adaptive Devices. Assistive and adaptive devices refer to "implements and equipment used to aid patients/clients in performing tasks or movements. Please state whether the following devices are assistive, or adaptive: 1. include crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, power devices, long-handled reachers, percussors, static and dynamic splints, and vibrators 2. include raised toilet seats, seating systems, and environmental controls
1 = assistive devices 2 = adaptive devices
Please match the following words with the correct definitions: strength, power, endurance, muscle performance 1. the capacity of a muscle or a group of muscles to generate forces 2. the muscle force exerted by a muscle or a group of muscles to overcome a resistance under a specific set of circumstances 3. the work produced per unit of time or the product of strength and speed 4. the ability of muscle to sustain forces repeatedly or to generate forces over a period of time
1 = muscle performance 2 = strength 3 = power 4 = endurance
Please state which number matches the correct word: Cognition, attention, arousal 1. a state of responsiveness to stimulation or action or of physiological readiness for activity 2. the selective awareness of the environment or selective responsiveness to stimuli 3. the act or process of knowing, including both awareness and judgment
1 = arousal 2 = attention 3 = cognition
What is the intactness of cortical sensory processing, including proprioception, pallesthesia, stereognosis, and topognosis known as?
Sensory Integrity
This category is orthotic, protective, and supportive devices. These are "implements and equipment used to support or protect weak or ineffective joints or muscles and serve to enhance performance" Please match the following words with the correct devices: orthotic devices, protective devices, supportive devices 1. include braces, cushions, helmets, and protective taping 2. include braces, casts, shoe inserts, and splints 3. include compression garments, corsets, elastic wraps, mechanical ventilators, neck collars, serial casts, slings, supplemental oxygen, and supportive taping
1 = protective devices 2 = orthotic devices 3 = supportive devices
Please match the following words with the correct definition: work integration/reintegration, community integration/reintegration, leisure integration/reintegration 1. the process of assuming or resuming roles and functions at work (job/school/play), such as negotiating school environments, gaining access to work (job/school/play) environments and workstations, and participation in age-appropriate play activities 2. the process of assuming or resuming roles and functions in the community, such as gaining access to transportation (eg, driving a car, boarding a bus, negotiating a neighborhood), to community businesses and services (eg, bank, shops, parks), and to public facilities (eg, attending theaters, town hal meetings, and places of worship) 3. the process of assuming or resuming roles and functions of avocational and enjoyable pastimes, such as recreational activities (eg, playing a sport) and age-appropriate hobbies (eg, collecting antiques, gardening, or making crafts)
1 = work integration/reintegration 2 = community integration/reintegration 3 = leisure integration/reintegration
Please match following words with the correct descriptions: pallesthesia, proprioception, stereognosis, topognosis 1. the reception of stimuli from within the body (eg, from muscles and tendons) and includes position sense (the awareness of joint position) and kinesthesia (the awareness of movement) 2. the ability to sense mechanical vibration 3. the ability to perceive, recognize, and name familiar objects 4. the ability to localize exactly a cutaneous sensation
1 = proprioception 2 = pallesthesia 3 = stereognosis 4 = topognosis
Please differentiate between self-care management and home management using the following definitions: 1. the ability to perform the more complex instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), such as structured play (for infants and children), maintaining a home, shopping, performing household chores, caring for dependents, and performing yard work 2. the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL), such as bed mobility, transfers, dressing, grooming, bathing, eating, and toileting
1 = home management 2 = self-care management