Please match the following words with the correct definition:
work integration/reintegration, community integration/reintegration, leisure integration/reintegration
1. the process of assuming or resuming roles and functions at work (job/school/play), such as negotiating school environments, gaining access to work (job/school/play) environments and workstations, and participation in age-appropriate play activities
2. the process of assuming or resuming roles and functions in the community, such as gaining access to transportation (eg, driving a car, boarding a bus, negotiating a neighborhood), to community businesses and services (eg, bank, shops, parks), and to public facilities (eg, attending theaters, town hal meetings, and places of worship)
3. the process of assuming or resuming roles and functions of avocational and enjoyable pastimes, such as recreational activities (eg, playing a sport) and age-appropriate hobbies (eg, collecting antiques, gardening, or making crafts)
1 = work integration/reintegration
2 = community integration/reintegration
3 = leisure integration/reintegration