Constructions with "have"
Relative Pronouns
Relative Clauses 1
Relative Clauses 2
Present Perfect Simple & Continuous 1
Present Perfect Simple & Continuous 2

____ ________ + _________ is used in English to express that it is sensible or logical to do something. It is a way of giving advice that is quite similar to “should” & “ought to”.

had better + infinitive


Name all the relative pronouns you've learned.

when, where, why, what, who, whom, which, whose, that


Name which kind of relative clause is given below.

The book that I borrowed from you is fascinating.

defining relative clause


These combinations can be used both with people (___ ______/ __ ______) and with things (___ _____).

of whom/of which, of which


How is the present perfect simple tense formed?

Have/has + past participle


How is the present perfect continuous formed?

subject + have/has been + verb+ing


What have construction is the sentence below in? And what does this construction mean?

I am having my thesis revised.

have + thing + participle; It means we asked someone to do something for us or we hired someone. 


The most important thing to use relative pronouns in English well is to take into account what they refer to:______, _______, ________, ________.

time, place, person, thing


When using a person as the object in a defining relative clause, _______ is used and is quite formal. In daily conversation, it is common to use _____ or ______ are more commonly used.

whom, who, that


The most common pattern for defining clauses start with ____________ or ____________ but they can also start with something, anybody, nobody,

the + noun or a/an + noun 


_________________ is used for longer and continuous actions compared to the present perfect simple.

present perfect continuous


What are some verbs that mean basically the same thing in the present perfect simple and continuous?

work, live, study


When we have the construction, have + person + gerund, what are the two main uses of this construction?

To convince or persuade someone to do something & when one thing happens as a consequence of another thing.


What relative pronouns can we use to refer to objects/things?

what or that


Fill in the table with the correct relative pronouns used for defining relative clauses.


What kind of relative clause is shown?

I told Joan a secret, who confided in Emma and now the whole world knows.

connective relative clause


Name the two uses of the present perfect simple.

To describe something that occurred or was the state of things at an unspecified time in the past; to talk about the duration of something that started in the past is still happening

[An action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour)]


When can you NOT use the present perfect simple?

If you are being specific about when something happened (i.e. "I have put away all the laundry this morning" is incorrect)


What have construction is the sentence below in? And what does this construction mean?

 Don’t worry, you will have Mary helping you. 

Have + person + gerund; It means you are convincing or persuading someone to do something.


There are other types of relative pronouns that are formed with the interrogative particles, which adds _______. Adding this maintains its original meaning, but expands its meaning.



What are the three types of relative clauses? And which one is necessary and which two are not?

defining, non-defining, connective; defining is necessary and non-defining and connective are not


Fill in the table with the correct relative pronouns used in non-defining and connective clauses.


Why is the sentence below incorrect?

She's been drinking three cups of coffee this morning

You can't use the present perfect continuous with how much or how many of something you've done. It's an already completed action.


The present perfect simple is used to talk about __________ actions that started in the past and are still true in the present. 



What is the have construction that means to make someone do something?

have + person + infintive

(if they say "gerund" instead, that's half points!)


Make an example sentence with the relative pronoun "whom". 

Bonus points if they make a long creative sentence!


What kind of relative clause is given in the example below?

That book, which was written by Dickens, is my favorite.

non-defining relative clause


Connective relative clauses are similar to _____________ but instead of providing more information, they just continue the sentence.

non-defining clauses


How is the past participle of a verb usually formed?

By adding -ed or -d to the verb's root


There can be a difference between the two. What is the difference in the sentences below?

They've been waiting for hours!

They've waited for hours.

The first one emphasizes the length of time. The second doesn't emphasize the length of time and is neutral.


Make an example using one of the have constructions and name which construction you are using.

Bonus points if they can give more than one example and they use more than one construction of have in their extra example(s)!


What are the two things you must take into account to correctly use relative pronouns?

If they refer to a person or a thing & if they act as a subject, object or possessive.


Make an example of a defining relative clause. 

Bonus points if they make more than on example!


Make an example of a non-defining relative clause and an example of a connective relative clause. 

Bonus points if they make long creative examples!


The __________________ is used when the result comes from the action itself. It doesn't matter if the whole action is finished or not. 

The __________________ is used when the action is finished, and the result comes from the action being finished.

present perfect continuous; present perfect simple


Make a sentence in the present perfect continuous and the present perfect simple. 

Various answers are acceptable. 
