I was the first person baptized in this dispensation
Oliver Cowdry
What does ASK stand for?
Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge
What is found at the front of each copy of the Book off Mormon
The Testimony of the 3 Witnesses
Doctrine and Covenants 1:30
The Only True and Living Church
When was the Aaronic Priesthood restored Month and Year
May 1829
I was the only 1 of the 3 witnesses who never returned to the Church
David Whitmer
It was in the early spring of 18NN
I lost the manuscript
Martin Harris
JS History 1:15-20
First Vision
I mortgaged my farm to pay for the printing of
the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris
What was Joseph's oldest brother's name
April 6 1830
Church was Organized
I became the scribe for Joseph soon after Martin Harris no longer was
Oliver Cowdry
What gift did Lehi receive in the wilderness?
The Liahona
The church was organized in New York, what state was the next
headquarters located in
I was given a copy of the Book of Mormon. I couldn't put it down and so I traveled to
Palmyra to meet the Prophet
Parley P Pratt
The Church was officially organized with how many members
How many changes to the manuscript did Joseph do before taking it to the Printer
The Worth of Souls
D&C 18:10-16
I died with my Brother Joseph in Carthage
Besides Joseph, the 3 Witnesses and the 8 Witnesses this person also saw the Gold Plates
Mrs Mary Whitmer
Why was Brigham Young chosen by the membership and not Sydney Rigdon to lead the
Many people said they heard the voice of Joseph as he spoke,
others said they saw Joseph before them
How many copies were printed of the Book of Mormon the first time
Sing the books of the Book of Mormon song.
1 Nephi, 2 Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words or Mormon and Mosiah, Alma, Helaman, 3 Nephi, 4 Nephi, Mormon, Ether, and Moroni.
While translating the book of Nephi, Joseph asked Emma this question
Is there a wall around the city of Jerusalem