2nd Touch bill of my helmet
What is our sac bunt sign?
2nd touch swipe down my arm
What is our fake steal sign?
What is the verbal I use for a pick to 1st base?
What is our "automatic" for when I call a FB inside in an 0-2 count?
What base is the runner on if I put on the bunt play where I touch my hand first?
Tap right leg
What is our drag bunt sign (bunt for a hit down the 3rd baseline)?
2nd touch top of my head
What is our delay steal sign?
toe tap
What can the infielder/pitcher do to signal they want to put on an "inside move" at 2nd base?
1 or 2
What number could the catcher put down to signal he wants the pitch inside on a right-handed batter with a runner at 2nd?
What is the sign when I want the throw to go straight to 3rd in a 1st/3rd situation?
Tap left leg
What is our push bunt sign (bunt for a base hit to the 1st base side)?
outs with both hands
What is our "red light" sign (don't steal)?
Don't pitch. Hold the Ball. You F'd up.
What does the sign for 4 fingers together mean?
swipe down arm
What do I do if I want the infield to start back and then come in (runner at 3rd base)?
2nd touch belt
What is our fake bunt sign?
outs with both hands or hands in my back pockets
What are the 2 ways I can give you the "green light" to steal?
tap my hand
What can I do during my signs to the catcher to "add 1" to the previous pitch?
What is our sign when I want us to play a "straight up" bunt defense?
2nd touch both ears
What is our safety squeeze sign?
pick at pants/jersey or flash hand
What is one way I can give "delay" discreetly?
What is our verbal for a backpick?
swipe up with his glove
What can the pitcher do to "add 1" and change the pitch with a runner at 2nd?
What is the sign for our "squeeze prevent" defense with a runner on 3rd?