What's the name of the skyscraper in Die Hard?
What is Nakatomi Plaza
What nationality are A-ha?
What is Norwegian
Stars from which classic 90's sitcom also appeared in Blossom?
What is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
This Italian dish, known for its thin crust and variety of toppings, is one of the most popular foods worldwide.
What is pizza
What is the name of Prince Humperdinck's kingdom in The Princess Bride?
What is Florin
What year was also the name of Prince's fifth studio album?
Which Game of Thrones star was nominated for an Emmy for every single season?
Who is Peter Dinklage
Marcona is a variety of this nut grown in Spain.
What is an almond
What flavor of Pop Tarts does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in Elf?
What is chocolate
The Traveling Wilbury's was a supergroup consisting of Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, and which other two musicians?
Who is Tom Petty and Roy Orbison
South Park takes place in which state?
Which popular Mexican fast-food chain was purchased by Denny's restaurants in 1983?
What is El Pollo Loco
This film from the mid-1990s was about a hockey player trying save his grandmother's house by playing golf.
What is Happy Gilmore
Which Duran Duran song opened with a sample of laughter from the keyboardist's girlfriend?
Hungry Like the Wolf
Jennifer Garner and Bradley Cooper got their big breaks in which TV show?
What is Alias
How many herbs and spices are in Colonel Harland Sanders' original KFC recipe?
What is 11
In the Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
What is the red pill
Run - D.M.C.
Which coffeehouse did Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey hang out in on Friends?
What is Central Perk
July 13th is dedicated to which fast food in the U.S.A.?
What are French Fries