Pythagoreans thought all things are in some sense, what?
Which element did Heraclitus take as fundamental?
According to Parmenides, what is, is _____
What is Harmonia?
The idea that there is a numerical accord or harmony in the kosmos
What are some meanings of "Logos"?
word, definition, account, way, truth, speech
Parmenides' poem is divided into two sections, the way of is, and the way of ____
is not
Pythagoreans used what as an analogy to demonstrate harmonia?
Musical octaves on stringed instruments being in whole fractions
Heraclitus shows us the unity underlying the ____
What is Zeno's Stadium paradox supposed to illustrate?
motion is impossible/results in absurdities
What is the goal of life for the Pythagoreans?
To bring the soul in attunement (harmony) with the kosmos by studying mathematics
According to Heraclitus, "The road up and the road down are _____"
the same
What is a reductio ad absurdum argument?
An argument that show how adopting a certain claim (motion is possible) leads to absurd conclusions that the arguer would not want to support
What is the word used for the Pythagorean version of reincarnation?
Transmigration or metempsychosis
According to H., our senses require what?
What are the five characteristics of "what is", according to Parmenides?
ungenerated & imperishable, indivisible, eternal, motionless, one