What is Donna's favorite dessert
What is Donna's favorite play by Shakespeare
Julius Caesar
What is Donna's favorite instagram comedian
Austin Nasso/Mark zuckerberg parody
What does Donna do to her brother that is morally unacceptable
What is Donna's favorite classical piece
Thais Meditation
What is Donna's favorite type of greens
romaine lettuce
Who is Donna's favorite character from Hamlet
What is Donna's favorite christmas character
the grinch
physical touch...
What sport did Donna do as a kid that she quit - there's 3
ice skating, dancing, swimming
What is Donna's favorite starbucks order
caramel macchiato
What is Donna's favorite sonnet by Shakespeare
sonnet 130
What is Donna's biggest pet peeve
humble bragging
What is Donna's default emotion
What is Donna's least favorite PE activity
dodge ball
What is Donna's favorite coffee bar item
What is Donna's worst class
What is Donna's favorite nickname for Jordan
What does Donna not have a regard for in terms of social things
personal bubbles
What is Donna's favorite type of cuisine
What did Donna not take in middle school in 7th grade and epically failed in high school
us history
What is Donna's favorite thing to do in ILT - say the exact name for this activity
What was the thing that Donna did to people in the beginning of the school year that was annoying but she thought it was super funny
smack hand sanitizer