Why should you eat a variety of fruits & vegetables?
To get a variety of nutrients!
What is an example of aerobic exercise?
walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling (anything that gets your heart rate up!)
What is tobacco?
A plant native to North and South America that contains nicotine and many other chemicals.
What does COVID-19 stand for?
COrona VIrus Disease 2019
What is a stressor?
something that causes a state of strain or tension.
Feeling energized
Managing hunger throughout the day
Improving concentration and focus
Can make you be in a better mood throughout the day
Maintain weight
How much exercise should kids your age do every day?
60 minutes
what are 3 negative consequences of smoking?
inhaling chemicals, popcorn lung, collapsed lungs, pneumonia, lung transplants, death, headaches, respiratory issues, jitteriness, developmental shifts, decreased immunity, cancer
When should you get tested for COVID?
If you have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID
How many hours of sleep should children your age be getting?
Added sugars have calories but no _______
List 3 physical benefits of exercising
better endurance, stronger muscles & bones, more energized, stronger heart, improves lungs, protects against aging, prevents injuries, decreased risk of chronic illnesses
What is THIRD-hand smoke?
harmful smoke residue left on clothing and other surfaces, like the walls in your house.
How old do you have to be to get vaccinated for COVID? (For Pfizer/moderna/j&j vaccines)
6 months old
What are 3 ways you can you tell if you are dehydrated?
Urine color – pale yellow to almost clear means you’re hydrated! The darker the color, the more dehydrated you are.
Fatigue (feeling very tired)
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Muscle cramps
Feeling thirsty
List the 3 types of fat in order from unhealthiest to healthiest (saturated fats, trans fats, unsaturated fats)
trans fats -> saturated fats -> unsaturated fats
list 3 EMOTIONAL/MENTAL benefits of exercising
improved mental alertness, better memory, enhanced problem-solving skills, improved processing, better academic performance, better body image & self-esteem, reduces stress & anxiety & depression, regulates pain, releases "feel-good" hormones
vapes can contain up to how many packs of cigarettes?
What is hygiene?
Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help maintain health and prevent the spread of disease.
What is your digital footprint?
the information about a person that exists online as a result of their internet activity
What are the 5 categories of MyPlate?
Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, protein, & dairy
What are the 4 types of physical activity?
endurance, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, flexibility
How do vaping companies market towards children?
Using bright colors, fun fruity flavors, young people in their ads, making vaping look cool and attractive
What is the best type of face mask to prevent against COVID?
What does SMART stand for in SMART goals?
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely