English Vocab Words
English Vocab words
English Vocab words
English Vocab words
English Vocab words

What is Fate?

A predetermined course of events often believed to be beyond human control, sometimes attributed to a supernatural power or destiny.


What is propaganda?

Information, often biased or misleading, spread to promote a particular political cause, ideology, or point of view.


What is Treason?

The act of betraying one’s country or sovereign, particularly by attempting to overthrow the government, aiding enemies, or compromising national security


What is Prevail?

To prove more powerful or superior; to triumph over an opponent or obstacle. It can also mean to be widespread or predominant in a particular area or situation.


What is a Vendetta?

A prolonged and bitter feud or rivalry, often involving a cycle of retaliatory violence between families or groups.


What is Ingenious

Showing creativity, originality, and inventiveness, particularly in solving problems or devising new ideas.


What is Anomaly?

Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected; an irregularity or exception.


What is vengeance?

The act of seeking revenge or punishment for a wrong or injury, often with the intent to inflict harm in return.


What is integrity?

The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; adherence to ethical standards and consistency of actions and values.


What is Vermin?

Small animals or insects that are considered pests, typically because they are destructive, harmful, or a nuisance (e.g., rats, lice).


What is Bigotry?

Intolerance or prejudice against individuals or groups based on their race, religion, nationality, or other distinguishing characteristics.


What is propagated?

Spread or promoted, often referring to ideas, beliefs, or information; can also mean the reproduction or multiplication of plants, animals, or organisms.


What is Malarkey?

Nonsense, foolish talk, or ideas that lack credibility or substance.


What is Pathologist?

A medical specialist who studies diseases, particularly their causes, effects, and structural or functional changes in the body.


What is Ethereal?

Out of this world


What is Desolation?

A state of emptiness, loneliness, or devastation, often used to describe barren landscapes or emotional despair.


What is prerogative?

A special right or privilege exclusive to an individual or group, often associated with a position of authority or status.


What is Purple (adj.)

Used to describe writing or speech that is overly elaborate, extravagant, or flowery, often to the point of being excessive.


What is Doctrine?

A set of beliefs or principles held and taught by a group, institution, or authority, often religious or political in nature.


What is Mea Culpa?

A Latin phrase meaning "through my fault," used to acknowledge personal guilt or responsibility for a mistake.


What is Vaudeville?

A genre of variety entertainment popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, featuring acts like comedy, music, dance, and magic.


What is Melodrama?

A dramatic or literary work that exaggerates plot and characters to appeal to emotions, often featuring sensational events or moral polarization.


What is Beatnik?

A member of a social and literary movement of the 1950s and early 1960s, associated with nonconformity, artistic expression, and often rejection of conventional norms.


What is Transubstantiation?

In Christian theology, the doctrine that during the Eucharist, the bread and wine are transformed into the actual body and blood of Christ, while maintaining their original appearance.


What is Gallows Humour?

A type of dark or morbid humor that makes light of serious, grim, or fatal situations.
