Walt Disney
Famous Quotes
Suggestions for the Summative
close agreement, conformity, relationship begins with a
What is affinity
He was a pioneer in so many ways. Give 1 example
What is - “The Old Mill” was the first subject to utilize multi-plane camera techniques - “Snow White and the 7 Dwarves” was the first full length animated musical - Television pioneer: first to present full-color “Wonderful World of Color” in 1961
Who said: "It is only the dead who have seen the end of war."
What is Plato.
When asked to show connections between main ideas, how should you do this? (3 suggestions we spoke about!)
Show connections between main ideas - cause and effect in the person’s life - logical connection between areas of the person’s life - reason for the author focusing on specific areas of the person’s life
As a music critic, I have sifted through more horrible albums than most people would foist upon their worst enemy. But it is when I must review a concept album, a CD-length set of songs with a single unifying theme, that I feel that I must truly have a very powerful enemy indeed. A concept album is simply too long and too repetitive: every sone is leading towards one single point, so that you're guaranteed to hear the same idea, over and over. It is like reading a series of stories in which each story has the exact same moral, or watching a detective show in which the killer is the same person each week. The author of the above passage makes the statement that ("I feel ... indeed") in order to 1. advance a negative opinion using humorous terms 2. cite an authority to justify a bold assertion 3. explain a grievance by quoting a conflicting source 4. challenge a belief with a comical example
What is advance a negative opinion using humorous terms
articles of commerce; articles of trade begins with c
What is commodities
Give an example of how Walt Disney was entrepreneurial at a young age.
What is he sold pictures to his neighbours to make money.
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
Who is Steve Jobs
Give 4 suggestions regarding writing the summary.
Relevant, major events in order Paragraph form Names, places, and numerical data included Cover full text
PASSAGE: How did one village bring disaster on itself? On a morning in early spring, 1873, the people of Oberfest left their houses and took refuge in the town hall. No one knows why precisely. A number of rumors had raced through the town during recent weeks, were passed on and converted to news; predictions became certainties. On this particular morning, fear turned into terror, and people rushed through the narrow streets, carrying their most precious possessions, pulling their children and dashing into the great hall. The doors were nailed shut, and men took their turns watching out the window. Two days passed. When no disaster came, the fear grew worse, because the people began to suspect that the danger was already in the hall, locked inside. No one spoke to anybody else; people watched each other, looking for signs. It was the children who rang the great bell in the first bell tower-a small band of bored children found the bell rope and swung on it-set the bell clanging. This was the traditional signal of alarm, and in a moment the elders were dashing in panic to all the other bell towers and ringing the bells. For nearly an hour, the valley reverberated with the wild clangor-and then, a thousand feet above, the snow began to crack, and the avalanche began; a massive cataract of ice and snow thundered down and buried the town, silencing the bells. There is no trace of Oberfest today, not even a spire, because the snow is so deep; and, in the shadow of the mountains, it is very cold. The alarm, traditionally sounded to avert danger, became the apparent cause of the avalanche is an example of _________? a. exaggeration b. personification c. satire d. irony
What is irony
not conforming to rules or standards begins with unc_____________
What is unconventional
Give 2 examples of THEMES found in the article about Walt Disney. Rememer: at least 2 words
What is - persistent in reaching goals; - early signs of entrepreneurialship, -career pioneer, encouragement from family, rebellious teenage spirit
“Thus fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself.”
Who is Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
List 4 things stated about inferences.
1. Make a logical assumption about the person or an event 2. Use quotes as evidence for your assumption 3. Clearly explain the link between your inference and what is actually written in the text 4. Making an inference is different than restating what is in the text
Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, an important chief of the Algonquian Native Americans (the Powhatans) who lived in the Virginia region. Her real name was "Matoaka." "Pocahontas" was a nickname meaning "playful" or "mischievous one." Pocahontas was only about 10 years old when her world changed forever. English settlers arrived from far across the ocean and created a settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. These new English settlers looked and acted very differently from Powhatan's tribe. Some of Pocahontas's people were afraid or even hateful of the newcomers. But the chief's daughter had a curious mind and a friendly matter. She wanted to know more about these newcomers. Pocahontas got to know and make friends with the new colonists. Her warm nature and natural curiosity led the English to like and trust her as well. One of the colonists, Captain John Smith, said that her appearance, intelligence, and friendly personality "much exceedeth any of the rest of Powhatan's people." But not all of Powhatan's people were so curious and friendly. In December 1607, Captain Smith was captured and held at Chief Powhatan's capital, Werowocomoco. Pocahontas is most famous for reportedly saving the life of English Captain John Smith. Throughout her short life (she died at the age of 22), however, she was important in other ways as well. Pocahontas tried to promote peace between the Powhatans and the English colonists. She even converted to Christianity and married John Rolfe, a Jamestown colonist, a union which helped bring the two groups together. Her untimely death in England hurt the chance for continued peace in Virginia between the Algonquians and the colonists. According to the above passage, the nickname "Pocahontas" means 1. playful cloud 2. mischievous one 3. white rose 4. beautiful child
mischievous one
very lively and profitable begins with t
What is thriving
Give 1 inference about Walt Disney
What is: because of his failures, the world changed. Perhaps if he was successful at his first job, he would have stayed at it. (incorrect inference, as it is established that W.D. never gave up and kept pursuing new things). CORRECT INFERENCE: He was ahead of his times: more creative, more entreprenuerial.....
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy, then he becomes your partner.
Who is Nelson Mandela.
Matters left uncertain...what do we mean?
Is there anything that is unclear? Are there major areas of life that the text misses out? Are the details within a main idea that seem to be missing? Why?
Passage 1 The Taj Mahal, located in Agra, India, is one of the most magnificent examples of Islamic architecture. Shah Jahan, a Muslim ruler, built it in the seventeenth century as a tribute to his late wife. The style of the building seems to reflect that it was built for a beloved woman. Delicate white marble walls, accented by lofty arches and lacy scrollwork, support a series of domes. Four slender towers stand guard near the corners of the building. Overall, the style of the structure gives a striking impression of lightness, despite the heavy stone material. All of these characteristics lead to an almost otherworldly beauty, worth of any queen. Passage 2 Although the Taj Mahal has long been recognized for is architectural beauty, it is often overlooked that Shah Jahan commissioned the building in 1632 as a tomb for his most beloved wife. The tomb is flanked on the west by a mosque, a Muslim place of worship. Arabic script is inlaid along the walls of the Taj Mahal, and it is rumored that the entire Muslim holy book, the Koran, is written along the structure's walls and supports. The architectural wonder of the Taj Mahal cannot be denied; however, it is vital to recognize the spiritual aspects that pervade one of the world's most recognizable buildings. Unlike the author of Passage 1, the author of Passage 2 acknowledges that the Taj Mahal is _____ 1. located in India 2. extremely old 3. frequently overlooked 4. widely known
What is widely known
tending to change often or widely begins with v
What is volatile
What is left ambiguous in the story of Walt Disney?
What is the driving force behind his success. Did he want money, fame, recognition????? We know what he did and how he did it, but we don't know what motivated him.
“I cried because I did not have soccer shoes, but one one day I met a man who had no feet, and I realized how rich I am.”
What is Zinedene Zidane
Thesis statements what plus what???
One of these: Early life/childhood, Education, Career, Family/Personal life PLUS ONE OF THESE: Achievement, Perseverance, Tolerance, Harships, Success and encouragement
PASSAGE: How did one village bring disaster on itself? On a morning in early spring, 1873, the people of Oberfest left their houses and took refuge in the town hall. No one knows why precisely. A number of rumors had raced through the town during recent weeks, were passed on and converted to news; predictions became certainties. On this particular morning, fear turned into terror, and people rushed through the narrow streets, carrying their most precious possessions, pulling their children and dashing into the great hall. The doors were nailed shut, and men took their turns watching out the window. Two days passed. When no disaster came, the fear grew worse, because the people began to suspect that the danger was already in the hall, locked inside. No one spoke to anybody else; people watched each other, looking for signs. It was the children who rang the great bell in the first bell tower-a small band of bored children found the bell rope and swung on it-set the bell clanging. This was the traditional signal of alarm, and in a moment the elders were dashing in panic to all the other bell towers and ringing the bells. For nearly an hour, the valley reverberated with the wild clangor-and then, a thousand feet above, the snow began to crack, and the avalanche began; a massive cataract of ice and snow thundered down and buried the town, silencing the bells. There is no trace of Oberfest today, not even a spire, because the snow is so deep; and, in the shadow of the mountains, it is very cold. Which word best expresses the main idea of the passage above? a. faith b. disaster c. rumors d. suspicion