How many books In the old and New testament
39 + 27
What food is always in the caf
What's the name of the famous baby hippo who's sweeping the nation
What does DL stand for
Discipleship leader
(Drug lord of you're Jonathan Gleason)
How many urinals on the fifth floor
How many foreskins did David claim from the Philistines
What brand of lemonade is in the deli
Simply made
What's Diddys real name
Sean Colmbes
How many male Dls at NCU rn
Take a picture of the letter z somewhere on the floor
Good job
Who wrote Hebrews
No one knows!
What three cereals are in the cafeteria
Cinnamon toast crunch, Reese's puffs, trix.
Who is the second richest person in the world
Jeff Bezos
When were DL supposed to be back on campus for spring training
Jan 10
What is Bobby's full legal name
Robert "Allen" Mickelson
The Bible character who's donkey spoke
What day do they clean the ice cream machines
Current population of America
400 million
What famous position did G Raymond Carlson hold outside of North Central
General superintendent of the AG
Who is the youngest person in leadership on the 5th floor
Which of these characters did not have their name changed? Sarah, Jacob, David, Peter, or Abraham.
What time does breakfast, lunch and dinner start and end
Breakfast - 7:30-9:30 Lunch - 11:00-1:30 Dinner 4:30-6:30
What's the name of the people group that is being forced back to China from Thailand
The ouyghur group
How do you spell Chris' last name
Each team pick their strongest contestant and have them arm wrestle
Great job