
Scenario 2: Party Invitation

Context: Two friends, Sam and Lena, are talking about a party Sam is hosting. Lena wasn’t invited.

Sam's Comment:
"I didn’t invite you because I knew you wouldn’t like that kind of crowd anyway."

Goal: Identify Lena's feelings about being excluded from the event and how she might react to Sam’s comment.

Lena's Perspective:
Lena may feel excluded or offended. Even if Sam thought they were being considerate, Lena could perceive this as a decision made without consulting her, which could hurt her feelings.

Response Example:
"I would’ve appreciated being invited anyway, even if the crowd isn’t my usual scene. I could have made my own decision."


"We were talking every day for weeks, but then she just ghosted me out of nowhere."

Meaning: She suddenly cut off all communication without explanation.


"After a few days of rest, I’m feeling well again."

"They went to the well to get water for the plants."

Meaning 1: In good health or satisfactory condition.

Meaning 2: A deep hole from which water is drawn.


Context: A group of students is discussing their grades on a recent project. Alex worked hard but received little recognition for their contribution.

One Student's Comment:
"Well, we all got the same grade, so it doesn’t really matter who did what."

Goal: Identify Alex's perspective and feelings about the comment, and determine how they might interpret it.

Here are possible emotional responses and perspectives for each scenario, which will help identify how the conversational partner might feel:

Scenario 1: Missed Promotion

Mike's Comment:
"Well, at least now you won't have to deal with all that extra responsibility. I hear it’s really stressful."

Sara's Perspective:
Sara might feel dismissed or belittled. She could be hurt that Mike downplayed her disappointment about not getting the promotion and interpreted his comment as trivializing her ambition.

Response Example:
"I get that you're trying to see the bright side, but I really wanted this promotion, and it’s disappointing to miss out."

Scenario 2: Party Invitation

Sam's Comment:
"I didn’t invite you because I knew you wouldn’t like that kind of crowd anyway."

Lena's Perspective:
Lena may feel excluded or offended. Even if Sam thought they were being considerate, Lena could perceive this as a decision made without consulting her, which could hurt her feelings.

Response Example:
"I would’ve appreciated being invited anyway, even if the crowd isn’t my usual scene. I could have made my own decision."

Scenario 3: Group Project

One Student's Comment:
"Well, we all got the same grade, so it doesn’t really matter who did what."

Alex's Perspective:
Alex might feel unappreciated or overlooked. The comment could suggest to Alex that their extra effort didn’t matter, which might lead to frustration or resentment.

Response Example:
"Actually, it does matter. I put in a lot of work, and it’s frustrating that my contribution isn’t being recognized."


"Finals are next week, so I need to hit the books this weekend if I want to pass."

Definition: To begin studying or working on school assignments with focus and dedication.


"She wore a beautiful diamond ring on her left hand."

"The church bell began to ring at noon."

Meaning 1: A piece of jewelry worn on a finger.

Meaning 2: The sound made by a bell.


Context: Two colleagues, Sara and Mike, are discussing a recent promotion decision. Sara was passed over for the promotion.

Mike's Comment:
"Well, at least now you won't have to deal with all that extra responsibility. I hear it’s really stressful."

Goal: Identify how Sara might feel about Mike's comment and respond accordingly.

Sara's Perspective:
Sara might feel dismissed or belittled. She could be hurt that Mike downplayed her disappointment about not getting the promotion and interpreted his comment as trivializing her ambition.

Response Example:
"I get that you're trying to see the bright side, but I really wanted this promotion, and it’s disappointing to miss out."


"Finding out I didn’t get the promotion after working so hard was a hard pill to swallow."

Meaning: A difficult truth or reality that is tough to accept.


"The chairs were arranged in a neat row for the presentation."

"We decided to row across the lake in our canoe."

Meaning 1: A linear arrangement of things, often in a straight line.

Meaning 2: To propel a boat using oars.


Context: Two friends, Mia and Jake, had plans for the weekend, but Jake canceled at the last minute.

Jake's Comment:
"I just didn’t feel like going out this weekend. We can always hang out later."

Goal: Understand how Mia might feel about the last-minute cancellation and how the comment affects her.

Mia’s Likely Feelings:
Mia could feel unimportant or disappointed. Jake’s casual tone might make her feel like their plans weren’t a priority, which could lead to hurt feelings.

Potential Emotional Response:

  • Disappointment: “I was really looking forward to it. It’s frustrating that you canceled at the last minute.”
  • Hurt: “I feel like hanging out with me isn’t that important to you.”

"Come on, spill the tea! What happened at the party last night?"

Definition: To share gossip, secrets, or the latest news, usually about someone or something interesting.


"The teacher will lead the discussion during class."

"The pipes were made of lead, which can be harmful."

Meaning 1: To guide or direct a group.

Meaning 2: A type of metal (pronounced 'led').


Context: Two friends, Emma and Chloe, are discussing Emma's recent breakup.

Chloe's Comment:
"At least now you can focus on yourself. That relationship was holding you back anyway."

Goal: Assess how Emma might feel about Chloe’s statement and her emotional state after the breakup.

Emma’s Likely Feelings:
Emma could feel hurt or misunderstood, as Chloe’s comment dismisses her emotional pain. It might feel like her friend is minimizing her grief or frustration over the breakup.

Potential Emotional Response:

  • Hurt: “I know you mean well, but it still hurts to lose someone.”
  • Sadness: “That relationship meant a lot to me, even if it wasn’t perfect.”

"Did you hear her throw shade at him during the presentation? That comment about his work ethic was brutal!"

Definition: To subtly or indirectly criticize, insult, or disrespect someone, often in a clever or sarcastic way.


"Flowers start to bloom in the spring."

"The cat can spring onto the shelf in one jump."

Meaning 1: The season between winter and summer.

Meaning 2: To jump or leap suddenly.
