Verb Tenses
Contrast and Comparison words
Combining Sentences

Put the verb go in the right tense.

Mary always _____________ to the store on the weekends.

What is "goes"?


The sentence in an essay that gives the main idea and the writer's opinion.

What is the thesis statement?


Crack! Thunder struck and rain poured. Max stared out the window, trying to stay calm and not storm like the weather outside. He was beginning to lose it. Dropping the kite from his hand, Max started to cry. His mother comforted him, “There, there, Max. We’ll just find something else to do." She began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered him a sandwich. Max yelled, “I don’t wanna sand-mich!” A flash of lightning lit up the sky. Boom! Mom sighed.

Why is Max upset?

He wanted to go on a picture but he can't because it's raining.


When you show how two things are the same.

What is comparing?

What the words BASO stand for.

What is: but, and, so, or?

We ____________ to the store right now.

What is "are going"?


The sentence in an essay that gives the three main supporting details that the body paragraphs will talk about.

What is the scope sentence?


Tommy!” Mom called out as she walked in the front door. “Tommy,” she continued shouting, “I sure could use some help with these groceries. There was still no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there. “You’re in big trouble, Tommy!” Mom yelled to herself as she realized that Tommy’s shoes were gone.

What happened to the window?

What happened to Tommy?

Tommy broke it with the baseball.

He left the house.

When you show how two things are different.

What is contrasting?


The pattern for using BASO words.

Give an example.

What is:

Subject Verb, BASO Subject Verb

Example: I like pizza, but I don't like spaghetti.


I __________ to the store yesterday.

What is "went"?


The sentence at the beginning of the essay that gets the reader interested in reading the essay.

What is the hook?


Alex was walking home from the bus stop after work. A fire engine rushed past with its siren shrieking. Alex noticed smoke billowing up to the sky a block away. As he got closer, he saw two fire engines parked in front of a house across the street from his apartment. Firefighters were spraying the house with water.

What could Alex infer?

The house across the street from his apartment was on fire.


Give a word that could work:

Joe is tall. ____________, his brother is short.

What is On the other hand, In contrast, However, or

Unlike Joe?


The two patterns for BOX words.

What is:
Subject verb BOX word subject verb 


Box word subject verb, subject verb


We ___________ to the store when we saw an accident.

What is "were going"?


The paragraph that summarizes the three main points and restates the thesis statement.

What is the conclusion paragraph?


Mark and John went to the park last Saturday. They brought a soccer ball and cleats. They also had a bag with some things in it. When they got to the park, they sat on the swings and watched some other people playing soccer. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, they got off the swings and started to play soccer. After about 30 minutes, Mark looked up, held out his hand, and decided to put on his raincoat from the bag they had brought. John did the same. They both went back to the swings and waited for a while. When the sun came back out and the clouds moved away, they went back to playing soccer. They played for another half hour and then ran home. When they got there, their mom had lunch ready for them. She had made a roast beef sandwich for Mark , but peanut butter and jelly for John. Mom always knew how to make their favorites.

Why did they sit on the swings when they first arrived?

Why did they stop playing soccer and sit on the swings after playing soccer for 30 minutes?

They were waiting for the other people to finish playing soccer.

It started to rain.


Give a word that could work here:

Mary likes to draw. ____________, Jane likes to draw as well.

What is Similarly, In the same way, or Like Mary?

Name at least 3 box words and give an example using both patterns.

because, since, when, after, as long as, if, before, even if, although, though, even though, while

Example: Because I was sick, I didn't go to work.

I didn't go to work because I was sick.


We _________ already ___________ to the store this week.

What is "have gone"?


The paragraphs that explain or give examples of the the thesis statement.

What are the body paragraphs?


On the way home from work that evening, Sue wondered how Dan's job interview had gone. The minute she walked in the door, she smelled meat cooking. Dan was a wanna be vegetarian. Most nights he threw together a simple dinner of salad and bread or ramen noodles and broccoli. When he was upset, however, he craved meat. He tried to distract himself from his mood by cooking something ridiculously complicated and bad for his health.

What two inferences can you make from this passage?

a. Sue has a job outside the house.

b. Being a vegetarian is hard work.

c. Dan's job interview went badly.

d. Sue is Dan's mother.

a and c


Name a box word that could work here to show contrast:
___________ Joe is tall, Bill is short.

What is Although, Even though, Though, While,

or Whereas?


Choose the correct box word(s) for the following sentence:

__________ I was driving to work, I got a flat tire.

What is while or when? 
