Spot the mistake!
What is wrong with the sentence?
Fun facts
Fun with words :)
Basic English grammar

❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ She has ate lunch already.

βœ… "Ate" should be "eaten" because "has" requires the past participle. Correct sentence: "She has eaten lunch already."


❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ She go to school every day.

βœ… The verb "go" should be "goes" because the subject is "she" (third-person singular). Correct sentence: "She goes to school every day."


What is the shortest, oldest, and most commonly used word in the english language?



❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ Yesterday went I to the cinema.

βœ… The word order is incorrect. In English, the subject must come before the verb. Correct sentence: "Yesterday, I went to the cinema."


Explain what a noun is.

A thing or a object you can place a/an infront of.


❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ The teacher and the students is in the classroom.

βœ… "Is" should be "are" because the subject is plural. Correct sentence: "The teacher and the students are in the classroom."


❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ I didn’t saw him yesterday.

βœ… The verb "saw" should be "see" because "did" is already in the past tense. Correct sentence: "I didn’t see him yesterday."


How often is a new word added to the english dictionary?

Every 2 hours


❓ What is missing in this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ She is best student in the class.

βœ… The article "the" is missing before "best" because superlatives require "the." Correct sentence: "She is the best student in the class."


What is an adverb? Give an example. 

A word that describes an action, like something you are doing right at the moment.

Eg: I Pressed the button.


❓ Which preposition is incorrect?
πŸ‘‰ She is good in math.

βœ… "In" should be "at." Correct sentence: "She is good at math."


❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ She is married with a doctor.

βœ… The preposition "with" is incorrect; it should be "to." Correct sentence: "She is married to a doctor."


What is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

"I am"


❓ Which preposition is incorrect in this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ He is interested about learning new languages.

βœ… The preposition "about" is incorrect; it should be "in." Correct sentence: "He is interested in learning new languages."


Adjectives usually comes before a noun/after a noun?



❓ What is missing in this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ He is best player on the team.

βœ… The article "the" is missing before "best" because superlatives need "the." Correct sentence: "He is the best player on the team."


❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ If I will see him, I will tell him the news.

βœ… The first "will" is incorrect because first conditional uses the present simple in the if-clause. Correct sentence: "If I see him, I will tell him the news."


What is a pangram sentence?

It is one that contains every letter in the language.


❓ Which word should be removed from this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ She returned back home late last night.

βœ… The word "back" is unnecessary because "returned" already implies going back. Correct sentence: "She returned home late last night."


The terms "its" and "it's" have the same meaning, yes/no?



❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ She didn’t say nothing.

βœ… "Didn’t" and "nothing" create a double negative. Correct sentence: "She didn’t say anything."


❓ What is wrong with this sentence?
πŸ‘‰ Hardly had he left the room, when he realized he forgot his keys.

βœ… The word "when" should be "than" because "hardly... when" is the correct structure. Also, "forgot" should be "had forgotten" for proper past perfect usage. Correct sentence: "Hardly had he left the room when he realized he had forgotten his keys."


"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." Explain why this sentence is grammatically correct.

It works because "Buffalo" can be:

  1. A city in New York (Buffalo).
  2. The animal (buffalo).
  3. A verb meaning "to bully or confuse" (to buffalo).

❓ What is wrong with this idiomatic expression?
πŸ‘‰ He kicked the bucket on his job interview.

βœ… The phrase "kicked the bucket" means "died," which doesn’t make sense in this context. A better phrase would be "He messed up his job interview" or "He blew his job interview."


Which is correct?

You're looking good  / Your looking good

You're looking good
