Physical, Emotional, and Career are amongst a larger group of Wellness known as?
What is 8 Dimensions of Wellness?
What does the body require relatively small amounts of that are considered vital nutrients.
Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Temperature, Pain, and Oxygen Saturation
What are "Vital Signs"?
A tool used to measure a patient's body temperature to assess their health, monitor fevers, and guide treatment.
What is a thermometer.
Infection prevention is only the responsibility of hospital staff.
What is False?
Managing stress and dealing with difficult decisions effectively are attributes of this Dimension of Wellness.
What is Emotional Wellness?
What is the study of food and how it affects the health and growth of the body.
What is Nutrition
A heat measuring device
What is a "thermometer"?
A device used to safely deliver rescue breaths during a cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.
What is a CPR Mask.
Hand sanitizer is ok to use to clean hands ALL of the time.
What is False
This Dimension of Wellness addresses a healthy relationship with money.
What is Financial Wellness?
Reading this helps you to understand what is in the foods and beverages we may consume can help us make healthier decisions.
What is Food Labels
Measured by a pulse oximeter
What is "Oxygen Saturation"
A tool that amplifies sound and noise-canceling technology to hear heart and lung sounds, dampen external noise and store data electronically?
What is a stethoscope
What percent of diseases are transmitted by touch?
What is 80%
Using resources to expand knowledge and improve skills comprise Intellectual/Creative Wellness.
What is Intellectual/Creative Wellness?
What is the average recommended caloric intake for older kids 14-18 years of age?
What is 2400
The number of breaths a person takes in one minute
What is "Respiratory Rate"?
An item that caters to and identifies different medical needs and hazards.
What are hospital socks.
Four types of infectious agents
What are: bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites
Developing trust, integrity, accountability, and an ethical approach to life encompasses the Existential (Spiritual) Dimension of Wellness.
What is True?
What are the nutrients we need in larger quantities that provide us with energy?
What is Macronutrients
Pulse that is located on the side of the neck
What is the "carotid pulse"?
A device used to control severe bleeding by squeezing and stopping blood flow.
What is a tourniquet.
Hand washing should be done for this length of time.
What is 15 to 20 seconds?