What does G.I.V.E stand for?
Be gentle, Act interested, Validate, Be easy going
If you’re feeling sad one day, you are depressed.
False. If you’re sad one day you are having a poor mental health day and you can do things to cheer yourself up like exercising, getting outside and doing something you love to do. One day of feeling sad does not mean you are depressed.
What does T.I.P stand for?
Temperature, Intense physical exertion, Paced breathing.
Video games cause mental illness.
False. Video games do not cause mental illness, but too much screen time can have a negative impact on your mental health - so try to limit the amount of time you spend on your screens.
When setting goals, what does SMART stand for?
Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Recordable, Timeline plan
Having a mental illness means you are weak
False. So very false! If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, we believe you are a warrior. You will need to learn how to manage and treat your illness but having a mental illness does not mean you’re weak at all - in fact, we think you are very, very strong.
What does PLEASE stand for?
Physical illness, Eating (balanced meals), Altering drugs (avoiding them), Sleep (balanced), Exercise (get)
You should reach out for help if you feel sad or worried.
True. If you find yourself feeling sad or worried, you should always reach out to someone you trust. Whether you’re just having one hard day or if you’ve had many hard days - your loved ones will want to know how you’re feeling and will be able to help you. If they are unsure of where to go to get help, you can send them to this link: https://stigmafreesociety.com/help-and-resources/
What does DEARMAN stand for?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear and Negotiate.
You have control over whether you are in a positive or negative mental health space.
True and False. There are many things you can do to make yourself feel better when you’re feeling out of sorts and a little blue. Exercise, nutrition, hydration and doing something you love are some ways for you to boost your mental health for the day. However, if you have a mental illness like depression sometimes your mental health space is out of your control. If this is the case, all you can do is do your best to take care of yourself.