How many current family members have Grandma's mother's name?
What is 3?
This big black dog shared a name with a shaft that connects wheels and allows them to rotate.
Who is Axle?
Grandmom's profile picture Facebook is a picture of her doing what?
What is standing next to David?
This red stretchy candy originated in are called Pastellfiskar in their country of origin.
What are Swedish Fish?
On January 8, Grandmom posted the following:
"May you always be as happy as a Seagull with _______"
What is a French fry.
once alce-madera camino is Grandmas address in Spanish.
What is 11 Elk-wood court
Pepe is best described as what kind of dog?
What is a Black Standard Poodle
Grandmom & Grandad had matching shirts they wore once a year. Grandmom's said _______.
What is Bride?
This is a favorite PBS mystery show of Grandmoms.
What is Mid-Summers Murders.
Jan 9, 2024, Grandma posted
"I think the proper term for senior woman should be _____
What is Queen -ager?
Grandmom has 73 years of experience being delighted for 60 minutes.
What is Happy Hour?
This dog was white with a black spot on half her face and named after a Disney character.
Who is Flower.
When crossing the street, Grandmom likes to say this cute phrase.
What is "grab a wing chicken."?
What is decaf, black coffee?
Last year, Grandmom posted the following on her Facebook page twice. "a scammer called my grandma and said he had all her passwords"
What was the next line?
What is "she got a pen and paper and said 'thank good for that, what are they' :)
In Roman numerals, Grandma was married in the year MCMLV.
What is 1955?
Which is Grandmom's favorite Americas VetDog (service dog trainee) so far?
Who is Snap?
Grandma prefers this scrambled egg side order, which is usually served with butter, prepared in a certain way.
What is burnt toast?
Cooked until you hear the sirens coming.
Counting from youngest to oldest in sibling birth order, grandmom falls at this point.
What is #2?
This dog was a cocker spaniel.
What is Cindy.
1980 and 2020 are important years for Grandmom and the Elks.
What is the year she joined Ladies of the Elks and the year she become an Elk.