This PCC champion averages 27 assists per game
Lance Cecil
Tesla Dome
What Time do teleports turn on
10 minutes
How much gold is short sword
350 gold
Left, Right, Right
Out of Mana! (Good Job)
What two teams have won two PCC championships
PROFS (5) (9)
EWT (4) (6)
Lt. Belica's Primary
Seismic Assault
How long is the cooldown when blink is used?
300 seconds (5 minutes)
How much gold is Oblivion Crown
3400 gold
Right, up, up
Missing Mid!
This sharp shooter has the most PCC finals appearances
Narbash's Primary Ability
How long does the buff from taking your teams 3rd fang tooth last?
How much gold is Dynamo
2450 Gold
Right, Down, Down
Need Help
Who is the only player to win 3 PCC titles
Khaimera's Secondary ability
How long does mini prime last (without first fangooth)
How much amber does Sparrow cost to unlock
2150 Amber
Ward Orb Prime!
Who was the Finals MVP on PCC1
Bonus 500: what hero & crest did he run
Sanjee Gideon and Razorback
Muriel's Basic Attack
How long does it take to channel the teleporters?
2.5 seconds
How much gold is Razorclaw
850 Gold
Left, Right, Up
Stand and Fight!