The inventor of the printing press
Who was Gutenberg?
The treaty/agreement that ended the wars of religion in 1648
What was the Peace of Westphalia?
Popular Jacobin in the French Revolution who became incredibly radical to the point of himself being guillotined for becoming a tyrant.
Who was Maximilien de Robespierre?
War tactics first introduced in World War 1 that was highly devastating- including a No Mans Land.
What was Trench Warfare?
The two countries directly involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis
Who were the US and the Soviet Union?
The treaty that separated the spheres of colonial influence between Spain and Portugal.
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
The author of The Wealth of Nations, encouraging laissez-faire capitalism
Who was Adam Smith?
An art movement emphasizing sentiment, imagination, heroism etc. as a direct contrast to the Enlightenment era.
What was romanticism?
Russian leader during the Bolshevik Revolution
Who was Lenin?
Two wars in the 50's-60's where both countries had a communist government in the North and a pro U.S. (democratic) government in the South.
What were the Korea and Vietnam Wars?
A popular banking and patron family who helped commission Filippo Brunelleschi
Who was the Medici family?
The rulers who ascended to the throne in the English Civil War, replacing James II in the "Glorious Revolution"
Who were William and Mary of Orange?
Mass protests and revolts against established governments mostly to push for liberal reforms.
What were the Revolutions of 1848?
The economic plan where the US would loan money to Germany so they were able to pay back reparations.
What was the Dawes Plan?
Philosophy that questions objective truth, believes objective thoughts were created by humans in political/social contexts, and that science and reason were not inherently a force for good.
What was post-modernism?
The act that made the King of England the head of the church
What was the Act of Supremacy?
System in the Agricultural Revolution where people were employed to make products at home and paid on a piece basis- increasing laborers and production.
What was the putting-out system?
Acts in the second-wave industrialization period to help protect worker health passed by British Parliament.
Name one.
What were the ten Hours Act of 1847, Mines Act of 1842 or the Factory Act of 1833?
Plan brought up by Woodrow Wilson in the Treaty of Versailles that included policies of self-determination and the formation of the League of Nations.
What were the fourteen points?
An organization between most of West Europe, Canada, and the USA to support each other if attacked (mostly to defend against the Soviet Union).
What was NATO (or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
The meeting in the Catholic (or counter) reformation that helped reaffirm established Catholic doctrine
What was the Council of Trent?
French enlightenment figure who pushed for a separation of powers, further explored in his The Spirit of Laws.
Who was Montesquieu?
Final battle of the Napoleonic Era where Napoleon was defeated and then exiled.
What was the Battle of Waterloo?
Book by Hitler that lays the foundation for his beliefs of antisemitism and expanding the Arian race.
What was Mein Kampf (My Struggle)?
Conservative Prime Minister who wanted to cut taxes and limit social welfare programs as well as privatize many industries.
Who was Margaret Thatcher?