Who baptized Oliver Cowdery?
Joseph Smith
What must men do to gain salvation as detailed in 17-25?
Take upon them the name of Jesus Christ or be baptised in His name.
And now, after that you have received this, you must keep my __________ in all things.
What was the chapters studied this week?
D&C 18
Why does God want us to come back to him?
Our souls are of great worth in the sight of God.
Who will the 12 declare the gospel to? (26-36)
Both Gentile and Jew OR every creature
And you must preach unto the world, saying: You must repent and be baptized, in the name of ___________
Jesus Christ
Who were the three witnesses?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris.
What is Oliver called to do in D&C 9 - 16?
Preach Repentance
What qualifies you to preach the gospel to every creature? (26-36)
A desire to take upon them His name with full purpose of heart.
And by your hands I will work a _________ _________ among the children of men.
Marvelous work
Who is this a picture of?
Oliver Cowdery
Who is the other person that God is speaking to besides David Whitmer?
Oliver Cowdry
What can the twelve testify? ( 17 - 36 )
That they have heard his voice and know God / Jesus' words.
And by their _________and there ______you shall know them.
Desires and Works
Name at least 6 of The Quorum of Twelve Apostles.
President M. Russell Ballard, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland , Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, David A. Bednar, Elder Quentin L. Cook, Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Elder Neil Linden Andersen, Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Elder Gary E. Stevenson, Elder Dale G. Renlund, Elder Gerrit W. Gong, Elder Ulisses Soares.
What is the summary of D&C 18:1-16?
1–5, Scriptures show how to build up the Church; 6–8, The world is ripening in iniquity; 9–16, The worth of souls is great
What church should you contend against (17-25) (hint, it's not a literal church)?
The church of the devil.
And after that you have received this, if you keep not my commandments you _____ __ _____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____
Cannot be saved in the kingdom of my Father.
What can you do without faith, hope, and charity? (16-36)