What is Hooger Majoring in College
What Are The Northern Lights Also Known As
Aurora Borealis
What is Pokemons Slogan
Gotta Catch em all
Yale University is in what State
Who Sang i want it that way
Backstreet Boys
According to Indigo. Hooger simps for only 3 people. Name them
There are 3 States That Start with A W Name 1
What Game Device was pokemon released on
What is the Top Party School In The USA
University of Wisconsin Madison
How many times has Hooger had a concussion
4, 3 minor 1 major
How many countries border France
What Type Is Gyrados
Water Flying
St Norbert College
What is Hoogers Favorite Food
Which Continent Is In All Four Hemispheres (North, East, South, And West)?
Steel-type move used on a Fire-type Pokémon will be?
Not Affective
If I want to see the Baylor Line, I'd have to travel to Baylor University which is where?
Waco Tx
What is Hoogers worst fear
Which Country Actually Has The World’s Longest Official Name (Except It’s Known By A Shortened Version)?
Libya’s formal name is The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
What is the number of Pokemon in the original Pokedex?
Name an Ivy League School
Harvard Yale