The movement where a body part is bent which decreases the angle of the joint
What is flexion?
the prefix "a-" means...
The hamstring muscle pair is...
What is quadriceps?
What is diaphysis?
The scapula is an example of this type of bone...
When a body part is move away from the midline
What is abduction?
"Brady" means....
What is slow?
The gastroc muscle pair is...
What is anterior tibialis?
The end of the diaphysis is called...
The humerus is an example of this type of bone...
What is long bone?
The movement where the upper limb is held next to the body with the palm facing forward
What is supination?
"kinesi/o" means...
What is movement?
The pecs muscle pair is...
What is the lats?
The tough, fibrous tissue that covers the bone is...
What is periosteum?
The ear is an example of this type of bone...
What is irregular?
Turning of the foot to angle the bottom of the foot away from the midline.
What is eversion?
"my/o" means....
What is muscle?
The biceps muscle pair is...
What is triceps?
The layer of connective tissue that covers the epiphysis is...
What is articular cartilage?
The ankle is an example of this type of bone...
What is short bones?
This is the opposite of protraction.
What is retraction?
The suffix "-ic" means...
What is pertaining to?
The glute's muscle pair is...
What is hip flexors?
What is endosteum?
What is short bones?