How do you say "pelar y cortar" in English?
peel and cut/chop
The chef cuts the food with a _________
I __________ my parents on Sunday (visit - past simple)
Complete: You _________ go to sleep too late
A h....... student studies a lot and does all the activities
Write a sentence with a cooking verb
Many possible answers
Which object do we use to fry food?
A pan
When do we use Past Continuous?
For things in progress in the past
Complete: You ________ smoke in class
Complete the sentence: I prefer to communicate ______ person than by e-mail
How do we say "hervir" in English?
To boil
What do we do with cookies when we put them in the oven?
We bake them
What do we use the verb "must" for?
For rules and things that are obligatory
What do we use the verb "should" for?
To give advice
Name three types of measurements we can use in a recipe
Examples: tablespoon, teaspoon, litres, grams...
Which verb do we use when we want to try food to see if it needs salt.
To taste
What is inventory?
A list of the products that we have or need for the restaurant
What is the form of Past Continuous?
Subject + was/were + verb in -ing
Complete using Past Continuous:
My grandma _____ chopping onions
What does "trainee" mean?
When you are doing an internship
Which ingredients do we use to make cookies? (Name at least four)
Example: flour, sugar, eggs, butter, chocolate, cinnamon...
Name four cooking verbs
Examples: cut, fry, chop, slice, stir, melt...
Say two advice that you can give to somebody who will do a job interview
You shouldn't be nervous
You should listen and answer the questions
Say two sentences that could be steps of a recipe (use verbs, utensils and ingredients)
Peel the carrots with a peeler
Chop the tomato with a knife
How do you say "office" in English?
Washing area