Project #1
Project #2
Art History
Classroom Materials
Milwaukee/West Allis Art

This is defined as a combination of various materials to create a new image entirely.

What is a collage?


This was the main focus of our second project: it is defined as the lightness or darkness of a color. 

What is value?


This famous painter cut off a portion of his ear and mailed it to someone.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


First team to grab me a pencil from the extra pencil box wins 100 points for their team.

Pencils are by the drying rack.


This up-and-coming woodworking artist from Milwaukee is known for making artworks of nostalgic imagery out of wood scraps he has taken out of dumpsters. His artworks have been reposted on social media by both the official Bucks & Brewers social accounts.

What is Ike Winter?


This two-worded vocab word describes a portion of the piece that contains the main subject. 

What is positive space?


This is the name of the tool we used to create accurate proportions of our duct-tape food drawings.

What is a grid?


How much money did the artwork of a duct-taped banana sell for in an auction?

What is $6.24 Million dollars?


First team to grab me a ruler will get their team 200 points.

Rulers are top drawer on the left of Ms. Leahy's desk.


This alleyway behind the Oriental Theater in downtown Milwaukee contains temporary street-art murals painted by a wide range of artists.

What is Black Cat Alley?


This two-worded vocab word describes a portion of the artwork that contains everything surrounding the main subject of the piece; also known as the background.

What is negative space?


This is the type of line that was drawn to create the outline of your food drawings before they were traced & shaded. 

What is contour line?


This artist is known as the for making prints of everyday objects of the 1960s - an example of his work was a Campbell's Soup Can which we viewed in class

Who is Andy Warhol?


The first person to complete the correct steps to use the restroom pass wins their team 300 points.

Write name on the board, grab the bathroom pass.


This Illinois-born artist is known for multiple murals painted throughout Milwaukee, including the famous mural of Giannis Antetokounmpo downtown.

What is Mauricio Ramirez?


This was the element of 2D art that shows depth in one's artwork.

What is space?


This is how one would define a work of art.

What is the expression or application of human creativity and/or skill? 


This famous Wisconsin woman artist is known for her creation of abstract artworks depicting landscapes that surrounded her. 

Who is Georgia O'Keefe?


First person to provide me a paint pallet wins 400 points for their team. 

Paint pallets are by the sink in the drawer labelled palettes


This famous Black artist from Denver, nicknamed 'Detour' has painted a mural in Downtown West Allis of a son sitting on his father's shoulders in 2020.

What is Thomas Evans?


This was the name of one of the first collages ever created - a combination of people working on different body parts of a person to create a 'collaged character.'

What is an exquisite corpse?


These three elements (& vocab words!) are needed in your value work of art to make your 'duct taped food' appear 3D. What were they?

What are highlights, midtones, and shadows?


This artist is known as the first ever American to win an Olympic Gold Medal in 1912 for a sculpture of a horse. He is the only American to win both an olympic medal in both art and sports. 

Who is Walter Winans?


First person to hand me a mental health day pass gets their team 500 points. 

Mental health day passes are at the back near my comfy corner on the blue shelf. 


This famous artist from West Allis has a piece in the Milwaukee Art Museum titled "H Bomb" and his entire collection of artworks is preserved by an art museum in Sheboygan for viewing today.

Who is Eugene Von Bruenchenhein?
