Throwing things at an upward angle
Throwing things at a downward angle
Throwing things horizontally

A microwave oven is thrown off of a 43m tall cliff with a speed of 20m/s diagonally at an angle of 60o. What will be the horizontal component of the velocity when the oven is at maximum height?

30 seconds



A ice cream truck is thrown off of a 43m tall cliff with a speed of 20m/s diagonally at an angle of 60o below horizontal. How long will it be before the truck strikes the ground?

(2 minutes)



A calculator is thrown horizontally with a speed 10m/s from the top of a 20m tall building. How far does the calculator travel horizontally before striking the ground? (2 minutes)



For projectiles, why can we use the kinematic formulas for the vertical direction and d=vt for the horizontal direction?

(1 minute)

Since the acceleration is constant in the vertical direction, and the speed is constant in the horizontal direction


What happens to the following if you increase the angle of a projectile from 0-45o?

time in air

horizontal distance

maximum height

(1 minute)

increase, increase, increase


You throw a tomato diagonally from the ground with a speed V at an angle θ and it travels a horizontal distance D before striking the ground. If you now throw the projectile with twice the speed at the same angle, what is the new distance the tomato travels in terms of D?

(2 minutes)



Mary and Debra stand on a snow-covered roof. They both throw snowballs with the same initial speed, but in different directions. Mary throws her snowball downward, at 30° below the horizontal; Debra throws her snowball upward, at 30° above the horizontal. Which of the following statements are true about just before the snowballs reach the ground below? (There could be more than one correct choice.) (2 minutes)

a.    Debra's snowball will stay in the air longer than Mary's snowball.    

b.    Mary's snowball will stay in the air longer than Debra's snowball.


c.    Both snowballs will take the same amount of time to hit the ground.    

d.    Debra's snowball has exactly the same acceleration as Mary's snowball.


e.    Mary's snowball has a greater downward acceleration than Debra's snowball.

a & d


A playstation is thrown horizontally with speed V from a building of height H. How far does the playstation travel before striking the ground (in terms of given variables and fundamental constants)?

(2 minutes)

V&radic 2H/g;


Increasing angle decreases the horizontal component of velocity, but between 0-45o increasing the angle will increase the horizontal distance traveled. How can the horizontal distance traveled increase for increasing angle when this decreases the horizontal component of velocity?

(2 minutes)

The time in the air increases, and this effect is more important between 0-45o


What happens to the following if you increase the angle of a projectile from 60-70o?

time in air

horizontal distance

maximum height

(2 minutes)

increase, decrease, increase


A waffle iron is thrown from a 25m tall cliff with a speed of 15m/s at an angle of 40o above the horizontal. How far will the projectile travel horizontally before striking the ground?

(3 min)



A beanbag is thrown from a 33m tall cliff with a speed of 60m/s at an angle of 30o below the horizontal. How far will the beanbag travel horizontally before striking the ground?

(3 minutes)



An xbox is thrown horizontally from a cliff of height H with speed 30m/s. If the xbox travels 50m horizontally before striking the ground, what is the height of the cliff?

(3 minutes)



Which ship gets hit first if the shells are fired at the same time? And why? (2 minutes)

B; smaller angle, shorter max height, shorter flight time


Why can't we say that vfinal is zero when hitting the ground when solving most projectile motion problems?

(2 minutes)

Since it will not be freely falling and acceleration will change.


A batter hits a home run in which the ball travels 110 m horizontally with no appreciable air resistance. If the ball left the bat at 50° above the horizontal just above ground level, how fast was it hit?

(4 minutes)

33 m/s


A kiwi is thrown from a cliff of height H with a speed of 40m/s at an angle of 50o below the horizontal. If the kiwi makes it 60m horizontally before striking the ground, what was the height H of the cliff?

(4 minutes)



A Wii is thrown horizontally from the top of a building of height H. If the Wii travels a distance D before striking the ground, what is the initial horizontal velocity of the Wii in terms of given variables and fundamental constants?

(3 minutes)

D/(&radic 2H/g)


A gameboy is thrown from the ground toward a 15m tall cliff with a speed of 50m/s at an angle of 30o above the horizontal. How far will the projectile travel horizontally before striking the cliff?

(4 minutes)



A waffle iron is thrown from a 40m tall cliff with a speed of 50m/s at an angle of 30o above the horizontal. What will be the total speed of the waffle iron right before striking the ground, and what angle will that velocity make with the horizontal?

(4 minutes)

57.3 m/s at an angle of -40.9o or 319o


A Prius is thrown from a 20m tall cliff with a speed of 30m/s at an angle of 40o below the horizontal. What will be the total speed of the Prius right before striking the ground, and what angle will that velocity make with the horizontal?

(4 minutes)

35.9m/s, -50.26o or 309.7o


You repeatedly throw objects horizontally from the roof of your school a distance H above the ground. You measure the initial speed S and the distance D traveled before striking the ground. What could you plot to get a straight line and what would the slope represent? Be specific about what will be the x axis, y axis, and what the slope will represent

(4 minutes)

D is y, S is x, and &radic 2H/g; is the slope


D is y, &radic 2H/g is x; S is the slope


A chair is thrown from the ground toward a 40m tall cliff at an angle above the horizontal. If the chair spends 12 seconds in the air before striking the cliff, and travels 90m horizontally before striking the cliff, what was the initial speed of the chair? And what angle was the initial velocity from horizontal?

(4 minutes)

62.6m/s, and 83.1o
