I am similar to a square as I have four sides, however, two of my sides are not parallel with each other
What is a trapezium?
We both have 4 sides of equal length and 4 corners but we are different.
What is a square and a parallelogram
I have one sides.
What is a circle?
What is the internal angle of a square?
90 degrees
I have 8 corners.
What is Octogon
Both of these shapes have more than 6 sides and less than 9 sides
What is a heptagon and an octagon
one of us has 3 corners the other has no corners.
What is a triangle and a circle?
What is the internal angle of a pentagon
108 degrees
These 2 shapes have 4 corners and two sets of parallel lines with corners of 90 degrees.
What is a square and a rectangle?
An octagon and hexagon are different how?
one has 8 sides/corners the other 6 sides/corners
I have eight sides
What is octagon.
What is the internal angle of a hexagon?
120 degrees
I am a 2D shape however, I do not have a particular name as I am a combination of shapes. What is the general name for my shape?
Composite shapes
One of us has 7 sides and the other has 8 sides.
Heptagon, Octagon
I have 3 sides. They can be the same length or different.
What is a triangle?
A square can be cut into two triangles and a pentagon can be cut into 3 triangles, how many triangles can a octagon be cut into
6 triangles
A nonagon has 9 sides and 9 corners and I have one more side and one more corner
What is a decagon?
What is a decagon?
What is the external angle of a hexagon?
60 degrees