on a scale from one to ten, how racist is townsend
11 or more
what is the doctors name
elmer hartmann
are you a motorcycle
cause the faster I go the louder you get
how many players are in a full ballistic lobby
what were diddies afterpartys known as
how old AND when is Townsends birthday
how many seasons of family guy are there
finish the lyrics, country rooooaad
take me home, if you insist
how much damage does the enforcer ar deal on a body shot
name one celebrity that recently was brought into the Diddy situation
druski and DKM
what percent champion is Townsend in ballistic
chris griffins arch nemesis is who
the evil monkey
are you my basement
cause I wanna put kids in you
is A or B a better plant site
diddys record label is called what?
Bad boys entertainment
who is Townsends favorite black guy
who voices Carter pewtershmitd
seth mcfarlane
are you the Thanksgiving turky
cause wanna stuff you
how much damage does a nemisis ar deal on headshot
who did diddys lawyer represent before him
osama bin laden
townsends net worth is what
about 350 dollars
what missing vertebrae causes Joe's paralysis
L4 vertabrae
how old are you
age is just a number
what is the best weapon in the game
enforcer ar
how many GALLONS of baby oil were at diddys house
about 109.4 give or take 5