Who was Joseph’s only full brother?
Where was Joseph when his brothers sold him?
What did the seven fat cows and the seven thin cows represent in Pharaoh’s dream?
Seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine
What position did Pharaoh give Joseph in Egypt?
Second-in-command, Governor of Egypt
What did Joseph’s brothers dip his coat in to convince their father he was dead?
Goat's blood
Which of Joseph’s brothers did not want him to be killed and planned to rescue him?
Where did Jacob and his family settle in Egypt?
What happened to Pharaoh’s baker, according to the dream Joseph interpreted?
He was executed (hanged)
How did Joseph prepare Egypt for the famine?
He stored up grain during the seven years of plenty
Which brother did Joseph hold hostage in Egypt until the others returned with Benjamin?
What was the name of Joseph’s MATERNAL grandfather?
When Joseph was taken to Egypt, which people were travelling with the caravan that bought him?
In Joseph’s first dream, how many sheaves of grain bowed down to him?
What percentage of the harvest did Joseph require the Egyptians to give to Pharaoh during the famine?
One-fifth (20%)
Who was the first of Joseph’s brothers to speak up and offer himself as a slave instead of Benjamin?
Which two sons of Jacob lost their birthright because of their sins, leading to Joseph’s sons being counted among the 12 tribes?
Reuben (slept with Bilhah) and Simeon (violent revenge on Shechem)
What is the name of the river that was significant in Egypt and appeared in Pharaoh’s dream?
River Nile
Joseph’s second dream included the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing down to him. Who did these represent?
Sun = Jacob, Moon = Rachel (symbolically), Eleven Stars = His brothers
What was Joseph’s Egyptian wife’s name?
How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery?
17 years old
What was the name of the tribe that descended from Joseph’s younger son, who was blessed over his older brother?
When Joseph died, where did he want his bones to be taken?
The Promised Land (eventually buried at Shechem)
What was Joseph’s response when asked if he could interpret dreams?
“It is not in me; God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” (Genesis 41:16)
Who was Asenath’s father, and what was his role?
Potiphera, priest of On
What was the final thing Joseph said before he died?
He asked his people to carry his bones out of Egypt when God led them to the Promised Land.