Mafeshes - line 26
Why does Rava not agree with Raba? Daf 3a
Because the kew word of lishma is missing
Acc. to R' Meir, if a get was written on a tree and then cut and then signed, is the get kosher?
What does the word "vikasav" refer to?
Daf 3a - What's the big deal if a shliach forgot to say one word?
any change from the decree of the chachamim by a get makes the get posul
Daf 3a - The shliach is not believed to say "yadati" as much as when he says "bifany" because when he says bifany he is ........
ruining his reputation
Gaiz - line 28
chop off or cut off
Why does Raba not agree with Rava? Daf 3a
Because the shliach should not need to say "bifany nechtav"
Bonus 100 points!
Acc. to R' Elazar what does the word "vikasav" refer to?
writing not signing
Daf 3a - Acc. to Raba, how do we know if the get is lishma if the shliach never actually says the word lishma?
1 answer = 200
2 answers = 400
1) we ask him and he says yes
2) it's assumed that's what he's testifying to
Daf 3a - There are 3 differences between a get and other documents. Rava does not agree with one of those differences but what does Rava say about the other 2 differences? (dibur hamaschil kivan)
it's not common for a lady to bring the get
If you don't like this question you can choose another one
Dilisney - line 31
that it should say
Up to how many words do the chachamim expect a person to remember?
Up to 2 words
Yehuda gave a get in front of 2 witnesses that was not signed by any witnesses. Is it Kosher?
According to R' Meir?
According to R' Elazar?
R' Meir - no
R' Elazar - Yes
Daf 3b -
the 3 cases of get are possul m'dirabbanan and therefore should not be used _______________ but if it was used, it works. fill in the blank.
Daf 4a - How does the gemara know that R' Yehuda holds that the writing and signing must be lishma?
Because he holds that a get must be written and signed while detached. So he must hold that the word vikasav refers to the writing and signing.
bimichubar - daf 3b - line 2
while it's attached or connected
How many witnesses are needed to prove a get?
How many witnesses are needed to prove a money document?
get - 1
Money doc. - 2
According to R' Elazar why is the minhag to have signatures on the get if he holds that signatures are not important?
In case the wife needs to prove the get and the witnesses died
Daf 3b - This Rashi explains why there is a custom for a get to be signed even acc. to R' Elazar. What is the dibur hamaschil of this Rashi?
ela mipnei tikkun haolam
Daf 4a - What question does Tosefos ask on the statement of R' Yehuda?
If get must be written while detached then obviously it's going to be signed while detached?
bimizuyaf mitocho - Daf 4a - lines 6 - 7
false from within
a messenger gave over the get and said "yadanu" (I know that this get is true) is he believed?
Raba - No
Rava - Yes
What is the gemara's suggested answer for how R' Meir could fit into our Mishna?
The get must be written lishma according to the Rabbanan.
Rashi Dibur Hamaschil b'mizuyaf mitocho tells us the 3 examples of a get being signed improperly. What are the 3 examples?
1) a relative of the husband signed it
2) a possul witness signed it
3) it was signed not lishma
Double Points!!!
How is it possible for a get to be written on a tree that is detached but it was signed while attached?
After the writing it was replanted and it took root in the ground and then signed.