Forms of Energy
Properties of Matter
Landforms, Soil, Resources
Earth Science
Ecosystems/ Environments

Which of the following are all examples of light energy?

A    A motor boat, plants absorbing sunlight, and the radio playing

B    Sharks eating fish, a laptop charging, and a television

C    A leaf falling off the tree, a toaster, and a ceiling fan

D    plants absorbing light, a cell phone’s screen, and a camera’s flash

D    plants absorbing light, a cell phone’s screen, and a camera’s flash


What is Ms.Bownds' biggest fear?

Snakes..... awkwarddddd.


What's rule #1?

a. freakout

b. fakeout

c. fakeout

c. first

d. don't freak out 

d. don't freak out


How long does it take for the earth to make one rotation? How long does it take for the earth to make one revolution? 

Rotation: 24 hours/ 1 day

Revolution: 365 days/ 1 year


f. the type of organisms the animals consume


Which of the following lists only conductors of heat?

A. Rubber eraser, copper penny, plastic button

B. Iron paper clip, gold ring, copper wire

C. Iron paper clip, wooden jellyfish net, copper wire

D. Copper penny, iron paper clip, rock

B. Iron paper clip, gold ring, copper wire


Which of the following objects are more dense than water?

  • Apple

  • Bowling ball

  • Metal paperclip

  • Wood block

A. Wood block and Bowling ball

B. Metal paper clip and apple

C. Apple and wood block

D. Metal paper clip and bowling ball

D. Metal paper clip and bowling ball


Which landform is being described and how was it formed?

-Caused by blowing wind carrying sand

-Usually located on the beach or in deserts

a. mountain

b. cave

c. aquifer

d. sand dune

d. sand dune


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

a. Yardstick

b. Zero

c. Spongebob Squarepants

d. Monty

Spongebob Squarepants


Which of the following shows an interaction between a living and a nonliving thing?

A    An ant eating berries.

B    An elephant drinking water.

C    A bird feeding its baby.

D    A boy petting a dog.

B    An elephant drinking water.


Which of the following describes the pictures below?

A. Light travels in a straight light and is refracted through the mediums.

B. Light travels in a crooked line and is refracted through the mediums.

C. Light travels in a straight line and is reflected through the mediums.

D. Light travels in a diagonal line and is reflected through the mediums.  

A. Light travels in a straight light and is refracted through the mediums.


What is the MOST dense AND the LEAST dense in this tower?

Most: Syrup 

Least: Ethanol


Which of the following best describes erosion?

A. Sediments being carried from one place to another.

B. Sediments being dropped off at a new location down the river.

C. Sediments being broken apart by water.

D. Sediments fall and build up to form sedimentary rock layers.

A. Sediments being carried from one place to another.




Which organism has a life cycle that is most like that of Aphid Midge?

a. Chickens

b. Frogs

c. Turtles

d. Humans

b. Frogs


What would happen if switch 1 and switch 2 were closed but not switch 3?

A. The red and blue light bulb would be off.

B. Only the yellow bulb would operate.

C. Only the red, blue and white lights would operate.

D. Only the red bulb will operate.

C. Only the red, blue and white lights would operate.


Josiah made his sister a glass of Kool-Aid and took it to her outside. His sister forgot about it and left the cup of Kool-Aid outside for a few days. When she went back to the cup she observed that a change occurred. What most likely happened to the mixture?

A. The water evaporated, leaving only the Kool-Aid powder in the cup.

B. The container was completely empty since the solution evaporated.

C. The Kool-Aid evaporated, leaving only the water in the cup.

D. The Kool-Aid solution became lighter in color and got thicker.

A. The water evaporated, leaving only the Kool-Aid powder in the cup.


Which of the following is a renewable resource?

A. Petroleum pumped from underground

B. Hydroelectricity created by moving water

C. Oil which contains organic matter

D. None of the above

B. Hydroelectricity created by moving water


Explain the difference between weather and climate.

Weather is the atmospheric conditions of an area over the short term, and climate is the atmospheric conditions of an area over the long term.


What is the name of Mr.May's Pueblan Milk Snake? What kind of venomous snake does it kind of resemble?

Twitch, Coral Snake


Which object is most likely a cork? Which is an iron paperclip? Which is a piece of aluminum foil? How do you know??


Object 1 - Solid, Insulates thermal energy, Less dense than water, Poor electrical conductor

Object 2 - Solid, Conducts thermal energy, Less dense than water, Good electrical conductor

Object 3 - Solid, Conducts thermal energy, More dense than water, Good electrical conductor

Cork= Object 1

Iron paperclip= Object 3

Aluminum foil= Object 2


As temperature increases, in what order does water's state of matter change?

(hint: use words gas, solid, liquid)

Solid, Liquid, Gas


Which landform is being described and how was it formed?

-Triangular shaped

-located at the mouth of a river

Delta; formed through erosion and deposition


What are the inner planets?

What are the outer planets?

Inner Planets:  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Outer Planets:  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Which statement correctly describes the transfer of energy in a food chain in this forest?

a. Energy is transferred from foxes to rabbits to carrots

b. Energy is transferred from grains to rabbits to foxes

c. Energy is transferred from grains to grasshoppers to owls

d. Energy is transferred from grass to mice  to owls

c. Energy is transferred from grains to grasshoppers to owls
