This character has a moral responsibility to advocate for the trees, is short, and orange.
the Lorax
Both runners and swimmers take part in this event.
This character is a Disney princess who lost her glass slipper at the stroke of midnight.
This artist is amount the most famous and is best know for their painting called, Starry Night.
Vincent van Gogh
This character is the sister to the main character, Arthur, in the show Arthur.
What you do with a pencil and stencil.
Daniel was thrown into a den of this kind of animal.
This character is famously known as Donald Duck's girlfriend.
Daisy Duck
This American Artist is know for their instructional television program called the, The Joy of Painting.
Bob Ross
This character is the master and employer of many little yellow things called minions.
A place that you use to store books.
In the book of Jonah, he was thrown into the sea and was swallowed by this kind of animal.
whale (fish)
This Italian artist painted the Mona Lisa.
Leonardo da Vinci
This character is married to the main character who is a large green ogre in the movie, Shrek.
Something that you use to defend yourself in an unwanted altercation.
When Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, Isaac, God provided this kind of animal to be sacraificed instead.
This character is the spiritual guardian of Mulan's family in the form of a small Chinese dragon.
This American visual artist is known for their pop art pieces; one the most famous being of a Campbell's Soup Can.
Andy Warhol
This character is the main antagonist in the classic cartoon, Peanuts.
a small, tight area, usually in a basement, used to store containers and extra things.
crawl space
In the verse,
"for my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
the yoke is often used on this animal.
This character was the first ever Disney princess. The film first debuted in 1937.
Snow White
This Spanish painter is known for co-founding this abstract art movement coined as cubism.
Pablo Picasso